Minos Korva

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Minos Korva


Official Name:

Minos Korva Colony

Political System:

United Federation of Planets




1.5 million

Day Length:

22 hours

Year Length:

350 days

[ Source ]


Minos Korva was a Federation planet, located four light years from the Cardassian border and eleven from the McAllister Nebula. It was part of disputed territory between the Federation and the Cardassians since the Federation-Cardassian War of the mid-24th century. It had a population of two million colonists.

In 2369, Starfleet created contingency plans that placed the USS Enterprise-D, at that time temporarily commanded by Captain Edward Jellico, in the vicinity of Minos Korva for an expected surprise invasion by the Cardassians. The invasion was avoided because the Enterprise detected a Cardassian fleet hiding in the McAllister Nebula.

During the Dominion War between 2373-2375, Minos Korva was on the front-lines of the Dominion advance into the Alpha Quadrant. The Dominion was unable to capture the planet, due to the large Starfleet defense force.

Status in 2408

After the war, Minos Korva became a self-sustaining world. With a relatively light population of various Federation species along with nearly no damage, it had just enough to keep its population satisfied. It became a popular stopover for independent vessels in the formerly Federation sector and without the threat of Cardassian aggression, it prospered as an independent port.

In 2406, Minos Korva re-joined the Federation after the Starfleet Re-Exploration Initiative established contact. Aside from Bajor, it is the farthest member planet from the Sol system with significant resources devoted to extending the Federation's subspace network to the sector. It serves as an important supply base at this time.

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