Andrew Fairclough

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Name: Andrew Fairclough
Position: Executive Officer
Rank: Lieutenant Commander
Assigned: USS Ronald Reagan
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Birth Place: Luna Colony, New Berlin
Birth Date: 09/07/2353
Age: 47

Ht: 6'2" Wt: 181lbs
Hair: Black, with a little grey.
Eyes: Dark Brown

He is muscular, but starting to lose his figure with age. His hair is short at the back and sides. It is black although it is starting to get a little grey around the edges. He has dark brown eyes.
When off duty he will often go to he holodeck and wear a traditional Vulcan robe to meditate. However, not a Vulcan he does meditate in a Vulcan style so respects their customs. He owns a ring his mother gave him just after his father died.
The ring belonged to his father’s father. His dieing wish was that Andrew could have it. After his father gave him the ring, Andrew joined Starfleet Academy as a security officer. Andrew treasures this ring greatly. Once, someone took the ring from him, as a joke. They were in sickbay for a week and a half with six broken ribs, a broken arm, a broken leg and a fractured skull. For this, he received his reprimand. This is the only reprimand he has received. No one ever took the ring again.
Some of his hobbies include meditating, reading and Martial Arts. He believes that this disciplines the mind. He has a very open personality. He will try anything once. If he hates it, he will never touch it again.
He was also due to be married. His fiancé was an officer aboard the USS Invincible, which was destroyed in a Dominion skirmish 2 weeks before the wedding. He was devastated. This led to a mental breakdown. He wanted to single handily take out all of the Dominion. During this event, he decided that he would try and help to fight against the Dominion. He joined a top-secret group, whose motivation was to help destroy the Dominion by destroying the Founders.
After the war, he went back to normal duty. He was aboard the USS Jellico. He was an Engineers mate. He decided there and then that he wanted to become a full Engineer and not a security officer. He submitted his request to his CO.
The CO said yes and gave him permission to jump ship to the USS Argos, which was heading to Earth. There he went back to Starfleet academy and began to train as a fully-fledged engineer. He then requested a position on the USS Ronald Reagan. He got that position, and with that, the rank of Lieutenant Junior Grade.
By late 2381, Admiral Danial Taylor was noticing his engineering talents. Admiral Taylor offered Andrew a transfer to a SCE ship. Andrew declined saying that he preferred to stay with the Ronny. Andrew had meticulously looked after the Ronald Reagan’s engines for nearly a year and a half and did not want to leave something he had spent so long looking after.
By 2382, Andrew was till on the Ronald Reagan at the time the Borg wiped out the Krazzle. This was a terrible year and losses were high.
Then something good happened in 2396. This was a year that would change his life. At the start of the year he met a woman called Kianna Selmak, a Trill. They met while the Ronald Reagan was at Risa, on shoreleave. They hit it off first time. Then the Ronald Reagan had to leave. Kianna arranged to be transferred from the USS Jellico. The transfer was approved rather quicker than usual because she the was a close friend of one of the children of a friend of Admiral Taylor. Then for the next year or two they were officially Dating. They planned to get marriedbut that wasnt going to be for a while. Then in 2398 Kianna and Andrew got engaged. Soon after this, In early 2399 they got married. Months after they were married, around early 2401, with Starfleet losses at an all time high Kianna recieved word that she was being transfered to the USS Seattle. Less than a 6 months after this the USS Seattle was destroyed by the Borg. Andrew was devistated.

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