Cerberus Institute

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The Cerberus Institute was an clandestine organisation established by Admiral Cash to target specific threats to the Federation from the shadows, such as the Harvesters or the resurgence in the Borg threat as presented in Alpha Centauri.



The Cereberus Institute was aptly named, serving as a long-arm of the Federation against powerful threats from the shadows, serving as the faction's long-arm in such matters. It was to be an extremely secretive organisation, second only to Section 31 itself.

It's entire existence known only to the most senior military and political personnell. It's motives, structure, general resources and serving personell are known only to a select few such as Admiral Cash and various other lieutenants. This secrecy was primarily vital for it's continued existence in the threat of subversion in the post-war era. Since it was a specialist organisation devoted to covert and quick surgical strikes with small numbers at most., it was basically unable to withstand a conventional war of numbers.

As opposed to "gestapo-esque" agencies such as Section 31, the Obsidian Order or the Tal Shiar, the mandate of the Cerberus Institute serves not to interfere with the operations of the interior of Starfleet. Agents whom pose a threat to the secrecy or stability of the organisation are rendered nullified.


The Cereberus Institute, in spite of it's name, was not a singular physical or even a figuratively cohesive structure. Rather the Institute itself is was divided in a series of groups or "cells" whom report to a single Coordinator whom is known only to the Directors of the various cells.

The command structure is, at best, described as fluid. The concept of a 'chain of command' does not exist save for the acknowledgement that any of the directors of the various groups are the only ones whom are able to truly command the unit. Otherwise, there is an ability of high autonomy within the organisation that allows any particular agent to take control of a situation as well as a placement of a high level of trust in individual ability which therein grants each unit a strong level of autonomous decision making that a purely military group would lack.

To those of the general populace of not only the Federation but also the galaxy at large, the members of the Cereberus Institute are viewed as a special operations division of Starfleet Internal Affairs, often with a high level of access and virtual autonomy. However to ensure their visibility is kept extremely low as not to attract attention, each agent is implanted with a sub-dermal and virtually undetectable implant that emits a scattering field which inhibits recording of their activities. Furthurmore, they were also equipped with a device that altered the recent short-term memories.

It is notable that agents whom are no longer able to serve the Institute are systematically purged of their memories within the Institute and granted a series of "faux" memories.

Notable Units

Notable Members


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