Elizabeth Chant

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Name: Elizabeth ‘Beth’ Chant

Species: Human

Gender: Female

Age: 25

Height: 5'2

Weight: 125lb

Eye Color: green

Hair Color: blonde

Marital Status: Single

Languages Known: Standard, Klingon.


Mother: Jane Chant (Deceased) Father: Tomas Chant (Deceased) Brother: Brian Chant Aunt: Harriet Chant

Personal History:

Born in to a marine/security family Elizabeth was brought up around fighters and marines mostly as she spent most time with her father Colonel Tomas Chant MCO based on SB828, her mother LT Cmdr Jane Chant was Chief Security Officer on the USS Endevor and spent much time away on missions. She has never met her aunt, all she knows is she is a Security officer.

Her father taught her and her brother Brian lots of different fighting styles by letting them do some training exersizes with his marines, also how to fly most types of fighters as he wanted them to follow in his footsteps and become marines.

When she was 19 her mother died on an away mission 6 mths later her father died in a training exersize.Brian followed her fathers dream for them both and became a fighter pilot on SB828 until he was injured in action and retired from active duty. She has not seen him since thier fathers funeral where they argued about the path she had chosen.

Beth is normally hard to upset and a loyal freind, she likes a good laugh and drink with the ‘lads’ but can be serious when she has to be. She does not like to talk about her past or her family.


Her early education was in the school on SB828, she joined Starfleet Acadamy at 18 and trained in all basic skill's but specialised in security. She graduated 3rd in class she also trained as a pilot for shuttles, runabouts and fighters, even though she already knew how to fly them she wanted her wings to make it official.


Weight training, flying, drinking, reading.

Service record:

USS Courageous :- Security officer & shuttle pilot - 1 yr (transfered)

USS Excalibur :- Security / Tactical officer - 18mths (transfered)

USS Sizemore :- Assistant Chief Security Officer - 1yr (ship destroyed in battle)

USS Ark Royal :- Assistant Chief Security Officer - Current

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