Dorenna Tor

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Dorenna Tor
Tor 02.jpg
Dorenna in 2406







July 1st, 2379










United Federation of Planets, Starfleet


USS Phoenix


Chief Operations Officer

First Appearence:

Intermission 2.5 - Shoreleave and Refit





[ Source ]

Dorenna Tor is the Chief Operations Officer on the USS Phoenix.



Dorenna Tor is a woman out of place. Born to Starfleet Commanders Shannon Powell-Tor and Tor Byran, Dorenna grew up in a reality where the Alliance and the Dominion were still waging war. She grew up with her family on the USS Wellington, a ship far from the front lines. Her mother and father tried to keep their children together as long as they could before the Wellington was rotated back into combat service. This allowed Dorenna to have a normal childhood.

When Dorenna was 10 an attack by the Borg changed her life forever. The Wellington was assigned to a task force of ships that were to intercept and destroy a Borg cube that had been detected in Federation space. Prior to joining the fleet however the ship offloaded the civilians currently on the ship. The civilians, including Dorenna and her siblings, were left behind on Pacifica. When the Wellington returned to Pacifica Dorenna's mother delivered the news that Byran was killed.

Dorenna and her siblings were devastated by the news. If not for Shannon's strength and love the children would have had more problems than they did. Dorenna and her family moved to Utopia Planitia soon after her father died. Dorenna adapted well to her new home. Neither she nor her siblings had spent much time on a planet, so being to visit the different regions of Mars was a new and pleasant change.

Growing up Dorenna had an interest in engineering, much like her mother. Her mother supported Dorenna's interest whenever possible. By the time she applied for Starfleet Academy Dorenna was able to reconstruct early warp core designs from memory.

Starfleet Academy

Starfleet Career

Dorenna's first assignment was the USS Alaska as a junior engineer. The Alaska was involved in many battles during Dorenna's tour. The near constant state of readiness and the small confines of the Defiant class ship meant Dorenna spent many hours with her shipmates, mostly in horrible conditions.

A year into her assignment on the Alaska the ship, along with the Sixth Fleet, were sent to Pacifica to counter a Dominion invasion force. During the battle the Chief Engineer was incapacitated, leaving Dorenna in charge of engineering. She was able to keep the shield generators operational during most of the fight. In doing so Dorenna and most of the other engineers were exposed to near fatal doses of gamma radiation. She was treated after the battle along with the other engineers. The ship's doctor told Dorenna that the radiation did not leave any permanent after effects such as sterilization.

After the battle Dorenna was cited for her bravery and engineering abilities. She was promoted and assigned to the operations position. The Alaska was involved in several other battles after the success at Pacifica. The constant fighting along with her new position taxed Dorenna. Her bunkmate, a Vulcan woman named T'Prim, was someone she could rely on for counsel. Counsel, however, wasn't the only thing she needed and the ship's tactical officer, Lieutenant Jason Bowman, provided Dorenna everything she need.

Jason and Dorenna shared a very intense relationship during her time on the Alaska. While the relationship started out to satisfy physical desires, Dorenna and Jason began to connect emotionally. Jason eventually told Dorenna how he felt, a feeling she shared, and they both took their private relationship public. Fate, however, saw to it that their relationship wouldn't last very long.

On October 17th, 2403 the Sixth Fleet were sent to Trill to shore up the planet's defenses. Upon arrival the fleet was met by a Dominion attack fleet that outnumbered them four to one. The Alliance forces were quickly defeated. The Alaska suffered crippling damage during the battle with many of the crew, including Jason Bowman, killed. Dorenna was one of the few survivors able to make it off the Alaska before it exploded.

Dorenna felt empty without Jason. She opened herself up to someone for the first time and now he was gone. She considered leaving Starfleet, but that wasn't something he would have wanted her to do. With the Alaska gone Dorenna put in for a new assignment. Luckily for her the CO of the Alaska had put in a good word about Dorenna to command. Dorenna found herself transferred to the USS Caesar Augustus.

USS Caesar Augustus

The Caesar Augustus was docked at Utopia Planitia when Dorenna received her orders to report to the ship. This provided her with a chance to reunite with her mother, now an Admiral and in charge of the facility, for the first time in four years. Their reunion was short lived however as Dorenna and the Caesar's Kzinti security chief helped capture a changeling spy that had infiltrated the shipyards.

Operation Swamp Fox

The Caesar Augustus became the flagship of the new sixth fleet and would be undertaking a top secret mission to the Gamma Quadrant in the coming days. The mission, Operation Swamp Fox, was designed to strike at the homeworld of the founders, much like the operation the Obsidian Order and Tal Shiar had tried decades earlier.

Most of the particulars were kept from Dorenna until the day of the operation. Starfleet planned on using a wormhole generator to send the fleet deep into the heart of Dominion territory. With luck the operation would be over in a few weeks. Luck was not on their side.

The wormhole generator was successful in opening a wormhole to the Gamma Quadrant. Once the fleet arrived they were met with a massive Dominion fleet dwarfing the number of ships in the Alliance task force. The Alliance fleet tried escaping by creating another wormhole, but the device failed.

The Caesar and several ships tried to break through the lines to escape. Dorenna didn't have any illusions about the situation. She had faith in her captain, her crew mates, and ship, but against the force the Dominion brought Dorenna expected to be killed or captured before the day ended.

The Caesar didn't make it very far, nor did many other ships. A Dominion fighter set a course to ram the Caesar. Dorenna was braced for the impact, but the circuits at her station exploded sending her flying out of her seat. She felt searing pain coming from her face and air before passing out. Dorenna doesn't know what happened on the ship after that point, but she swears to this day that she had a vision from the prophets telling her that she was on the wrong path.

The Crossing and Recovery

On January 1st, 2405 the USS Dayton picked up a distress signal from a Starfleet escape pod. Inside they found a severely injured Starfleet officer. The registry on the escape pod didn't match that of any vessel in Starfleet and the flight recorder provided more questions that it did answers. The young woman was in bad shape. She'd lost an eye , part of her arm, and was in a coma. Her DNA matched that of a young girl, Dorenna Tor, that died in 2389.

The Dayton brought the woman back to Earth where Starfleet Medical took over the young woman's care and Starfleet Intelligence took over investigating her escape pod. After three weeks the doctors were able to revive the woman. She was quiet at first and didn't even tell the staff her name. Eventually she did tell them that she was Dorenna Tor and confirmed the records stored in the escape pod. Starfleet scientists theorized that she came from an alternate reality similar to the one several Captains had encountered.

Dorenna was dealt a few blows following her awakening. First she was told the sad history of her new home. It saddened her to see what war did to this universe and Dorenna wondered if her own would end up the same way if and when the war ended. Dorenna was then told the fate of her 'mirror' self. In her universe when she was ten she and her siblings left the Wellington before it attacked the Borg. In this universe she did leave the Wellington, but the Borg force that met the Wellington was larger than expected. The Wellington survived the attack, but were unable to beat the Borg back to the planet. There were no survivors when the Wellington arrived.

The last bit of news the doctors told her was able her condition. Because of an anomaly in her genetics the biosynthetic arm they were trying to grow began to break down. The believed that they found a way to counter the anomaly by stimulating her dormant Bajoran genes. The process worked, but had one unforeseen complication. Days after the treatment Dorenna began to notice something growing on her nose. After being scanned the doctor's confirmed that it was the beginning of Bajoran nose ridges. Over the following week the ridges became more pronounced, though they weren't as noticeable as those on a full blooded Bajoran. Dorenna quickly asked for surgery to remove the ridges. She wanted to have the appearance she was meant to have and not the one given to her by a medical procedure.

Return to Duty

Dorenna spent several months recovering from her injuries, both physical and mental. One the medical staff cleared her for released Dorenna petitioned Starfleet to allow her to resume her duties with them. While she wasn't a member of Starfleet in this universe, Command saw fit to allow her to resume her duties. They assigned her to the USS Bath as an Operations Officer. Dorenna adapted well to her new ship, but only at first. During a mission to Andoria Dorenna met this universe's Jason Bowman. The meeting, while brief, brought back feelings Dorenna had fought hard to get over.

During the mission Jason was killing in front of Dorenna. Seeing him killed twice was more than Dorenna could handle. She lost control and almost lost her will to live. Dorenna began showing up late to duty, began drinking, and experimented with illegal drugs. Her behavior problems came to a head when she punched the ship's first officer when he questioned her dedication. She was placed in the brig for that and then soon transferred back to Earth for disciplinary action. Starfleet reassigned her to the USS Phoenix, a ship for people who, like Dorenna, were on Starfleet's list of “problem children”.


Dorenna is a tall young woman who from outward appearances is human. Her appearance hides her half Bajoran heritage. Her twin brother, Gavin, got their father's nose while Dorenna got her mother's looks. Physically she keeps her body in good shape. Her mother commented to her that she's too slender, but her weight has never been an issue for her. Her youthful looks, complete with freckles, hide the emotional problems Dorenna has had in her life. Most people never notice that her right eye is actually an ocular implant.


Coming soon...

Service Record

  • Prior to 2405: Classified by Starfleet Command
  • 2405: Escape pod recovered by USS Dayton. Spends months in recovery
  • 2405: Assigned to the USS Bath
  • 2406: Sentenced to Six months confinement after assaulting XO
  • 2406: Assigned as Chief Operations Officer, USS Phoenix


Ten years ago I joined the online Star Trek writing community. It's been a long wild ride and I plan on being around a lot longer. I first started out on a unit called Starbase Chantel-Santiago. At the time DS9 was still on the air so a lot of our weekly plots were derived from the latest episode we saw on TV. I played a few characters there, one of them being an engineer named Shannon Powell. Another writer on the simm and I struck up a great partnership and soon one of his characters, a Bajoran named Tor Byran, and Shannon started seeing each other. Before anything was worked out between the characters IC or between us OOC the simm shutdown.

About a month after the Starbase shutdown I joined up with an offshoot of ASR called Star Trek: Prime Directive. PD's timeline was set 40 years beyond where DS9 was at the time(I think it was season 5 or 6). When I was trying to come up with a character to play I kept being drawn back to Shannon and how I never really got to explore the character I had developed. For some reason, there was a reason I swear, I decided to keep Shannon in the 24rd century and instead play one of her children in the 25th. I created bios for all of her children and eventually picked one to play on my new ship, the USS Caeser Augustus. That's how I got stuck playing Dorenna Tor. A fighter pilot, engineer, security officer, soldier, neglecting daughter, and preventer of flag officers having fun. From '99 to '03 I played Dorenna on the Caeser, then later the Antelope(It was kind of like the Phoenix is set up to be the last stop for screw ups).

For a character with as much history as this one you just don't throw them away. I want to bring her into FE somehow and somewhere. I'm trying to adapt the bio and her history to fit with the FE time. It shouldn't be that hard. The PD had a 40 year war going on with the Dominion. Modifying her history to take part in the Borg war shouldn't be that hard. Or I could saw screw it and use her original history and have her be a crossover ;)

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