Margaret Reyes

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Margaret "Maggie" Reyes
Reyes in 2398







January 20th, 2357




Black, graying




122 pounds


United Federation of Planets, Starfleet


USS San Diego


Commanding Officer





[ Source ]

Margaret "Maggie" Reyes was the commanding officer of the USS San Diego.



  • Mother - Dr. Rebecca Reyes, M.D. (b. 2331 – d. 2371)
  • Father - General Javier Reyes (b. 2330 - d.2387)
  • Brother - Major Antonio Reyes (b. 2350 - d.2387)
  • Brother - Captain Vincent Reyes (b. 2353 - d.2387)
  • Daughter - Dr. Rebecca Reyes Ronax, M.D. (b February 10th, 2383)


Early Life

Margaret, Maggie to her friends, is the last of three children born into a career Marine family. Maggie grew up with her elder brothers and mother on Earth, while her father was away on assignment. Growing up she missed her father, but she understood that he was doing his duty as a Marine She was, and still is, very proud that her father for what he has done in his career.

Maggie’s mother was a major influence on her life until fate played Maggie and her family a cruel hand. On a family visit to her father's ship an unexpected event changed Maggie’s life forever. Her father's ship was attacked and during the assault the ship was boarded. Maggie, her mother, and a security guard were trying to get to a secure area when they were caught by several of the intruders. Maggie never saw what happened, but the intruders began firing at the guard and missed. Maggie’s mother, trying to shield Maggie from harm, was hit with an errant shot.

The energy shot killed Maggie’s mother instantly, but blast didn’t stop there. Part of the energy from the blast was passed on from Rebecca to Maggie. The damage done to Maggie, while not lethal, caused serious damage to her central nervous system. Marine medics found Maggie after the assault and their prognosis was grim. While the doctors were able to repair most of the damage done to Maggie, damage to her motor control system was far beyond repair.

Maggie spent several weeks in bed before her system was strong enough to accept implants that would improve her motor control. The implants only gave her 80 percent of the movement she used to have. After the surgery her family rallied around Maggie to help her adjust. Her father transferred back to Earth in order to be closed to her, taking a hit in his career in the process.

Early Starfleet Career

Maggie’s time at Starfleet Academy was extremely difficult. She had no problem with the academics however the physical demands were grueling. Her roommate and best friend, Cadet Lynka Ronax, often wondered how Maggie could put up with the stresses she was putting herself under. Maggie always responded with “I’m a Marine.”

When she graduated Maggie was accepted into the Marine Corps. The Marines accepted her under the condition that she remain a non-field officer. Maggie could serve as any other Marine officer within the Corps, but was unfit to lead any ground or ship based Marine detachments. Maggie was just happy to server in the Marines.

Her first assignment was aboard the USS MacArthur, an all Marine vessel, as a Strategic Operations officer. Maggie found herself loving the job more than she thought she would. She considered planning the missions to be just as vital as going out on them. If she had the choice though Maggie would rather have led the missions.

Just when Maggie thought she had found her place as a Marine her condition slowly began to deteriorate. After failing three fitness tests in a row Maggie’s career in the Marines was effectively over. Thankfully for Maggie, her performance working in the Strategic Operations department had caught the eye of Starfleet Strategic Command. She was offered a choice; continue as a marine and face a fitness review or accept a commission with Starfleet. Maggie knew that the fitness review board would most likely recommend an honorable discharge. She had also come to enjoy working with Strategic Command. She decided to transfer to Starfleet. In 2381 she was assigned to the USS Odyssey as the ship’s Chief Strategic Operations Officer.

Maggie enjoyed her time on the Odyssey, but her condition began to worsen. She found it harder to move and reflexes slowed considerably. The ship’s doctor told her there was nothing more to be done as the standard treatments failed to provide any help. Maggie thought her career in Starfleet was at risk, but she was soon contacted by Starfleet Medical contacted her saying that there was a possible treatment for her condition. A Debobulan doctor had created a treatment for patients with severely damaged nervous systems. Maggie didn’t fully understand the treatment. The Doctor told her that she’d need several months to recover from the treatment. He told Maggie that if all went well her nervous system would stop deteriorating and in fact would be mostly regenerated.

Maggie asked for and received medical leave and left the USS Odyssey for Denobula. The treatment did stabilize her condition, but it didn’t fully restore her nervous system. The Doctors informed her that her nervous system was in a state similar to when Maggie left Starfleet Academy and that it wouldn’t get any better than that. With her condition stabilized Maggie returned to Starfleet. When she arrived on Earth Starfleet informed her that they’d lost contact with the Odyssey. She was free to take any other assignment, but Maggie remained on Earth.

Short return to duty

In early 2382 Maggie was reassigned to DS-19 under the command of her former Odyssey CO, Admiral Luke Duncan. A month before the first engagement in the Borg war Maggie found out that she was pregnant. She and the father, Dr. Tykal Ronax, had been seeing each other the months prior to Maggie finding out about her pregnancy. The two met through Lynka, Tykal's younger sister and brother of Maggie's best friend Lynka.

Borg War

Maggie remained on duty after finding out she was pregnant and at the onset of the Borg War. With DS-19 becoming the hub for the Third Fleet's activities Maggie's position soon became a vital one. Her job was also becoming more demanding of her time. That combined with Tykal's posting on the USS Freya prevented the two love birds from seeing each other for several months. Following the battle for Raeya and the loss of DS-19 Maggie transferred back to the USS Odyssey.

In early 2383 Maggie gave birth to her daughter. With Tykal's blessing she named her daughter Rebecca in honor of her Mother. After Rebecca was born Maggie asked for and received a short term transfer to Starfleet Command on Earth. On Earth she stayed with her close friend Lynka while she recovered and Rebecca was a little older.

Maggie could have remained on Earth with her daughter doing her job. Part of her found the idea of setting down roots planet side appealing especially with little Rebecca running around. The other part of her wanted Maggie to find the first ship in need of an officer and ask for a transfer. Many of her friends were out there serving, fighting, and many dying in the war against the Borg. It was probably the Marine in her, but Maggie wanted to do something other than sit at a desk. In 2386 she got her wish as she was reassigned to the USS Odyssey again.

The next two years may have been quiet for the Federation, but they weren't for Maggie. In a short period of time she lost several close friends and family members, including both brothers and her father. Maggie's life was forever altered by the Borg and she'd never allow them or herself to forget it. She became colder, quicker to call for the extermination of all Borg. If not for the intervention of Admiral Duncan, Maggie may have become a different person.

In 2388 shortly after the Borg attack on Trill, word reached Maggie that Tykal had been killed. The news devastated Maggie. Once again someone she loved was taken from her by the Borg. She returned to Earth for a short time to be with Rebecca.

USS San Diego

In 2392 the Borg advanced upon Wolf 359. The Third Fleet was assigned to defend that position despite having many ships undergoing repairs and/or undermanned. Before the Odyssey joined the fleet Admiral Duncan ordered Maggie to take command of the USS San Diego. The ship was undergoing repair after a recent engagement with the Borg. The San Diego's last CO and majority of the bridge crew were killed in the battle. The ship's second officer, Lieutenant Timothy Giggs, was too inexperienced to take command during the battle. Admiral Duncan chose someone he could trust and who was ready for command.

The Third Fleet was successful in turning back the Borg assault, but not before Starbase 565 was boarded and had to be destroyed. The San Diego and the rest of the Third Fleet help evacuate the station before it exploded. After the dust had settled Maggie expected to be reassigned back to the Odyssey, but Admiral Duncan had other plans. The Admiral promoted his former junior officer to Captain, albeit a battle field commission, and assigned her permanently to the San Diego.

Maggie was initially unsure of the assignment. She didn't think she was ready for command even though the Admiral did. Her first task, applauded by the Admiral, was to assign Lieutenant Giggs to be her Executive Officer. For the first few weeks she relied heavily on Tim's knowledge of the crew and their capabilities. Over the next few years the abilities Admiral Duncan knew were present in Maggie shown through. The crew learned to trust her decisions as did Maggie. In 2397 Starfleet Command made her battlefield promotion to Captain official.

Final Days

In December of 2398 the Borg launched their final assault on the Federation. Before the Borg fleet was detected Maggie was spending some quality time with her daughter. When Commander Giggs alerted her to the situation Maggie had one final moment with her daughter. It was a similar speech to ones she heard her father tell her when she was a child. She told Rebecca that she wished she could have been around more often to see her grow into the person she is going to become. Maggie also told Rebecca to live her own life and not join Starfleet just because her parents had. After a tear filled farewell Maggie was beamed to the San Diego.

The San Diego performed admirably during the second and third days of the battle. Near the end of the third day the ship had to fall back to make repairs to the weapons and propulsion systems. Maggie was proud of how hard the crew worked to try and get the ship back into the fight. With weapons and engines running correctly the San Diego returned to battle during the fourth day of combat.

The San Diego survived the chaos that surrounded it on the fourth day, but not without cost. When the San Diego first entered combat on the second day there were 325 men, women, and asexual beings on the ship. At the end of the fourth day there was 97. The remaining crew were stressed and taxed beyond the breaking point. They continued to fight however. The weren't just fighting for themselves; they were fighting for everyone around them.

On fifth and last day of battle the Federation ships began to act more desperate and more reckless. Maggie tried to keep her crew focused on the task at hand despite the fact that they were exhausted. When the number of Borg ships dropped to 10 Maggie began to believe it was almost over. When the number of ships dropped to 3 she knew it was almost over.

Before the crew of the San Diego celebrated their victory over the Borg something happened that no one on the crew expected. The Borg ships began to retreat. The San Diego, however, was between the Borg and their escape. The last anyone saw the San Diego was continuing to fire upon one of the Borg vessels. Starfleet has listed the USS San Diego along with all hands as MIA.

Service Record

  • 2379 – USS MacArthur, Strategic Operations Officer
  • 2381 – Transferred to Starfleet from Starfleet Marines
  • 2381 – USS Odyssey, Strategic Operations Officer
  • 2382 – Promoted to Lt. jg
  • 2382 – DS-19, Strategic Operations Officer
  • 2383 – Strategic Operations Command, Operations Officer
  • 2384 – Promoted to Lieutenant
  • 2386 – USS Odyssey, Strategic Operations Officer
  • 2388 – Promoted to Lieutenant Commander
  • 2392 – Brevet Promotion to Captain
  • 2392 – USS San Diego, Commanding Officer
  • 2397 – Promoted to Captain


Maggie was a character I made for the USS Odyssey in TF21. I really enjoyed playing her and after Paul introduced me to FE I made her daughter my main character here. I made the infobase entry partially to practice writing a bio(I haven't written for a while) and partly to "finish off" this character.

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