Logan 'Doc' Sheridan

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Logan Sheridan





North American














United Federation of Planets, SABRE


USS Cereberus, Hell Hounds





[ Source ]

Logan "Doc" Sheridan was a medic with the Sabre Corps unit, the Hellhounds on board the USS Cerberus in the early 25th century.



Logan Sheridan was born to Kain and Molli Sheridan in 2380, two Starfleet Officers. For the first two years of his life, life was fairly normal. However, in 2382, his mother died during a battle and he was shipped off to Earth to live with his Aunt Erin and Uncle Seth in Nowhere, Mississippi.

Logan rarely saw his father, who was a Marine. What little he did see of his father, though, didn't impress him. His father had turned into a drunk, and an insane one at that. The war only made his father worse, so Logan started to avoid him when his father was around.

As the war intensified and Logan grew older, he paid more attention to the news, wanting to join, to help in some way. When he was 15, he ran away from home and paid someone, who with the help of his insane father, forged the young man's records to read that he was 19. With everything forged, Logan enlisted Starfleet, heading into the medical field.

Unfortunately, after Corpsman A-School, he was shipped to a Marine unit to be their "Doc." Living with the Marines matured Logan much quicker than he ever expected or wanted. However, during that time he developed a small speech impediment trying to keep up his cover. The war changed several things, especially one of the roles of a Corpsman, requiring them to shoot anyone in the group who had been infected with nannites and were turning into Borg. Logan despised this part, but reluctantly did it.

The war changed Logan, and he started drinking, finally understanding why his father did as well. He had a few counselling sessions, but refused medication for bouts of depression. Instead, he started to take it out in kickboxing and exercise. Though he always cursed the fact that he was turning into his father.

After five years of being a Corpsman for the Marine Corps, the war ended and Logan had survived, although he was hardly the same as when he joined. During a brief shoreleave, after his father retired to Earth, he also found out that Nowhere wasn't the same either. Instead it was over-crowded, like the rest of the planet. In order to keep his personal space, Logan resisted the urge to leave the Fleet and stayed on. After building up the bond of the Marine Corps as well, he stayed on as a Combat Corpsman with the Corps.

Logan was able to get more intense therapy after the war and stopped drinking, although he still suffers some nightmares. He also dabbled in distance learning classes. Although after 160 course hour credits, he still hadn't managed to earn a degree and quit school.

When the Marine Corps was formed into the Federation Mobile Infantry, Starfleet gave the option of allowing Combat Corpsman to change to the FMI Medics with no loss of rate. Sheridan took this option, having known nothing but the Corps for several years. After a few years of working in the FMI as a Medic and even a small stint teaching at A-School for Medics, Logan Sheridan was recruited to a SABRE team called the Hell Hounds.


Logan is quiet around strangers, although when he gets comfortable with someone, he'll tend to talk their ears off. He's nice, polite, loyal to the end, but a little bit on the edge and haunted. He tends to talk with his hands when he does talk, using gestures and such to further convey his meaning.

Logan likes to play cards, and also to kickbox. He's not all to fond of phaser rifles, but practices with them regularly to keep his talents up to par with Infantry requirements, despite being a medic. Sheridan is also fond of reading medical journals from the past four centuries for better tips on in combat medical care.

Additional Details


Primary Kin

  • Father: LCOL Kain G. Sheridan(Ret.)
  • Mother: LCMDR Molli D. Sherian (Dec.)

Other family

  • Sarah Sheridan (Grandmother, Dec.)
  • Xavier Sheridan (Grandfather, Dec.)
  • Seth Nobody (Uncle, Dec)
  • Erin Nobody (Aunt)
  • CDR Charles Sheridan (Uncle, Dec)
  • CPT William Sheridan (Uncle, Ret.)
  • Kelly Sheridan (Aunt)

Physical Description

Logan looks like he's a little awkward in his body, not quite sure of his thoughts or movements. He speaks with a low Southern accent that's as thick as an old oak, but also with a slight stutter. Logan also has a shoulder that will occasionally give him trouble, due to his rough life style.

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