Renegade Armada

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Deep Space one insignia

A non complimentary name given to the large and growing armada of former starfleet ships gathered under the leadership of Admiral Bryan Cash at his Deep Space One outpost in the briar patch.Supported by the Baku council of elders a new Baku defense force was chartered Giving Admiral Cash autonomy and control of the organization for the protection of anyone wishing to flee the oppressive federation and sol system. Admiral Cash having been a popular and respected individual in star fleet attracts more and more Recruits to the Armada every month.

Some have said that what's been done in the briar patch and with cash and the defectors isn't possible with out assistance from someone or some entity inside the federation and possibly starfleet.

Insignia of the former Venture Star Adopted by the renegade group as a symbol of strength and unity.

The Armada

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