Tarl Lori

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Current Rank: Major

Position: Marine Detachment Commander

Species Bajoran Gender Female Age 37 Physical Appearance Height 6' 6 Weight 150 lbs. Eye Color Teal Hair Color Black


Lori has long, soft and glistening black hair, and a beautiful smile. Deemed as being one of the most stunning of beauties, she often uses it for her own advantage when on the job. She has a lean, athletic body, toned from many years of self-defense training in many styles and years of practice in the business of law enforcement. Lori may not seem to be very strong, but is capable of outsmarting her opponents by adopting the idea that anything can be used as a weapon to something as small as a pin to anything larger than a fist.

Personality & Traits General Overview Lori has an aggressive personality who will not allow anyone or anything get in her way of the job. Although appears tough and determined to do the job Lori does have a softer side which given time and effort people will be able to see. Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths: Level-headed, incredibly intelligent and knows when to quit.

Weaknesses: Sometimes allow her emotions to overwhelm her. When angry she stays angry for a considerable amount of time. Her hatred of the Borg at times can cause her lapses of judgement. Ambitions To one day be at peace and to assist in the rebuilding of the Federation. Hobbies & Interests To improve her martial arts and crime solving ability. Languages Federation Standard, Bajoran, Cardassian and Romulan


Born on Bajor during the Cardassian occupation, Lori was kidnapped after her parents were butchered right in front of her and brought up by the Cardassian Obsidian order to despise the Federation and at one time her own people. Lori eventually broke free of her captors killing the guards and escaped back to Bajor where she took on the name Lori Tarl and with the Federation’s helped to rebuild Bajor. Since the Cardassians have left, Lori found herself with no purpose and so joined the Alluran Police Department after proving herself worthy in their eyes, quickly became their prominent detective. During one of her assignments she foiled an attempt on Tyrus VI to steal a valuable artefact for the Orion Syndicate, with her exceptional beauty and skill she captured all those that came too close and escaped dealing a serious blow to the Syndicate as her exploits became widespread, the hatred for her grew within the Syndicate, so pleased were Starfleet Security that they offered her any assignment she wanted, Lori refused preferring to stay out of Starfleet and remain on DS7 within a corrupt police force as a shining beacon of justice and hope.

The moment she arrived she was witnessed the brutal murder of the former Acting Alluran Police chief by Alexi Rushenko, who consequently kidnapped her and humiliated Lori to the point that if Lori was to see Rushenko she would be liable to fly into a rage. A short time afterward she met for the first time Jose Dyches, her Deputy and immediately fell in love, after only a few weeks, he also admitted those feelings and the two are now exploring the option of living their lives together.

Was part of the infamous mission to rid Allura of the Bixx but was spared the scathing eye of Allura’s citizens as they knew she was placed on vacation after standing for the rights of the Bixx as sentient life forms through hard circumstances, this caused difficulties in her relationship with Starfleet which were fortunately temporary.

Once the Bixx attacked however and she saw that there was no alternative she used her experience on DS9 to great affect managing to protect both the Operation Centre and retake the Command centre, at the end of the latter operation she was rendered deaf when her eardrums were severely damaged requiring the need of implanting auditory replacements, although she has great misgivings about losing her biological parts of hearing the new parts allow her to hear things that before would of gone unheard. Due to the trauma she was referred to the counselling department much to her annoyance but was later released and given a full apology as it was indeed a fault with her auditory implants.

Successfully commanded a number of battles during the Bixx incursion on Atlantis showing skill in strategic thinking, showed willingness to stay out of the limelight after the situation and plans to take up training in the fighter wing, AMA and Marine Corps. After the situation her application to join Starfleet was accepted and she was assigned to USS Kansas City where she stayed with for many years being part of the crew on two separate incarnations of the vessel until the Borg came and everything fell apart, she joined the Marine Corp believing staying on the ship as a Security Chief was pointless and survived the Borg onslaught when all that she knew had been eliminated and joined the USS Exeter after her last battle fancying a change.

Family Father Unknown

Is an orphan. Mother unknown

Was a part of the Allura (DS7) DA’s office specialising in off-world law, is either requested as an expert witness, prosecutor or Judge in Alluran matters. Has participated in a number of JAG inquiries with the Security department.

Has the callsign -- Bluebird.

Has been known to negotiate with both criminal fraternity and legal in getting the job done.

Can talk to animals.

Has auditory implants after her ears were severely damaged during the operation to retake the Command Centre on DS7 thirteen years previous. Mother Unknown (Deceased) Spouse Jose Dyches (Deceased) Brothers None Sisters Siren (deceased) Other Relatives None

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