Theralei Tanore

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Theralei Tanore









130 lbs.




USS Phoenix


Chief Security/Tactical Officer



First Appearence:

M 5 - Brave New Universe



[ Source ]


Theralei was not raised in a traditional household. Her Vulcan mother was killed shortly after she was born, leaving her in the care of her human father with whom she had a deep bond. However, he disappeared during the course of a classified mission, leaving her in the care of some Caitain friends of her father's family that she had been staying with for the course of said mission. She wanted to stay with them, but was too young to fight it and was forced to return to her mother's family on Vulcan. Theralei was channeled through science and engineering programs because that what was expected, and barely scraped by into Starfleet Academy due to a few lucky connections.

Her troubles continued once there- she couldn't keep up with her engineering coursework and the expectations of her, and eventually failed out. However, she was desperate to not have to face her Vulcan family and stuck around campus to help teach various combat courses after enlisting in Starfleet. Theralei found a new source of merit with this occupation but still never quite fit in- her dream had always been to serve on a starship, to get away. Having developed less than friendly relationships with several Academy administrators in the course of investigating her father's disappearance which she had still not solved, they eventually decided to transfer her away, to somewhere where she wouldn't bother them anymore- the USS Phoenix, where she already had a few ties. With a promotion to the commissioned officer rank of Ensign for her to fill the vacant Chief Sec/Tac position, Theralei was more than happy to leave.

Among her colleagues, she tries to be respectful but sometimes ends up rubbing people the wrong way without intending it. Though she tries to hide how much she cares, those who work with her often find her providing unexpected help. She does not usually act like a Vulcan, instead trending toward her own mixed personality of awkward uncertainty covered by abrasive aggression, having never successfully adapted to Vulcan ways. Theralei is nervous about her new responsibilities, but plans to give it her best effort.

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