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2223: Starfleet issues a general design brief for a vessel capable of deep space, combat, exploration missions to counter the growing klingon threat. The general idea is for a massive starship, which would be based Upon needed improvements in Starship combat survivability. Permission for base designs are approved.

2227: Starfleet views the designs for the new class and after much Forethought and contemplation, the secondary design is approved and briefs for the propulsion, computer, weapons and space frame specs are sent out to Starfleet Design institutions for initial evaluation. Space frame design is approved and full specifications are forwarded to the San Francisco Fleet Yards for construction. Design is uprated,two prototypes are to be built concurrently. Production begins with a projected 25 year turnover for the Two highly complicated Prototype ships.

2242: Warp core arrives for fitting and alignment in the bare space frame. Space frame welding passes Review. By the end of the year the space frame is 95% finished. Finishing Work on the second frame is accelerated after review of nearly completed first frame work. First prototype frame expected to be completed by middle of next year with the second to follow shortly after.

2243:Interior work begins with initial running of conduit and pipes. Interior structures expected to be complete in one year. Work to begin on second prototype interior in 2246

2245: computer cores arrive and are fitted, reactors are on line and supplying primary power in the middle of the year. In the latter half of the year the computer system are operating at 89% of maximum. System expected to become self aware within the year. Warp core installed and begins primary testing. finishing work on interior of second prototype nearly finished. Photon Torpedo section nears completion. Bridge module attached to primary hull.

2249: Primary hull work complete. Habitat modules are attached and bridge unit is brought to functional operation.Saucer section completed and certified for warp speed. Primary hull certified within the following month. Second prototype to finish final primary hull work in the next year.

2250: Warp core passes Review and it tested to 70% peak. Computer system fully self aware and umbilical from the station are cut as the ship become self sufficient. Impulse systems pass Review and start automatic low level power control. Secondary Generators are shut down and become Auxiliary system control. USS Intimidator leaves Dry Dock for primary testing estimate to last a year. Second ship still unnamed nears final completion. Uss Intimidator destroyed on first warp test past pluto. entire program shut for six months for safety review. Following a review with no official findings and an impassioned plea from junior project administrator work on the second prototype ship is restarted Ship nearly 90% complete is not due to finish for two more years.

2251:Second prototype ship USS Venture Star completed early. leaves Dry Dock for primary testing estimate to last a year. Multiple problems discovered during initial testing. Primarily in the massive ships handling in battle situations. Venture Star unable to maneuver at a rate equal to current klingon designs of comparable ships. Enhanced shielding developed in hopes to compensate. Quad nacel design also found to be highly unstable at high warp speed. Solution found with additional navigational deflector facing rearward on secondary hull.

2252: Venture Star returns to dock for final exterior markings and paint. On 13 January, 2252 the USS Venture Star is officially commissioned by Starfleet during a brief Ceremony Captain Bryan Cash welds her dedication plaque in pride of place. USS Venture Star begin her shakedown cruise estimate to last a year.

The Intimidator-class starship, also known as the Super dreadnought class starship, is the premier high tech Starfleet vessel in the latter half of the 23rd century. It was designed for long duration missions with minimal outside support and is best known for her celebrated missions of federation defense and even exploration which typically lasted up to five years.

The most famous of which USS Venture Star was launched January 13th 2252, and served in a capacity unseen in a star fleet vessel for the next century. The Venture Star served as deterrent to both the Klingon and Romulan Empires, several times taking part in actions which could have determined the fate of the entire Federation itself. She was also a noteworthy explorer establishing contact in her time with more then 62 new species and civilizations.

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