V'arrkuz M'arrstok

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V'arrkuz M'arrstok







1.93 meters


95.3 kilograms




USS Monitor


Commanding Officer


Lt. Colonel



First Appearence:

Shadows of Rigel



[ Source ]



Personal Info


Tan fur, criss-crossed in places with thin and jagged white stripes. Looks like a Mountain Lion, mostly. Has a titanium plate bolted over his empty left eye socket.


Generally bad. No nonsense; no desire to interact with others more than necessary; intollerant of stupidity, higher ranking officers, lower ranking officers, doctors, and flag officers; resents being the most junior (in terms of rank) commanding officer in the Excalibur's task group; doesn't generally get along well with fighter pilots; has a low view of FMI; Considers himself to outrank all members of FMI; tactless ... and doesn't care to change.

History (In Brief)

  • Ex-Enlisted Starfleet Marine during the Dominion War, served in Spec. Ops. and was medically retired after he lost his eye. Still bitter about that.
  • Served for a period of years following the Dominion War as a security advisor and private contractor and became fabulously wealthy.
  • Prior to the Borg War purchased an entire habitable Class-M moon in Ferengi space and built a massive casino resort on it, got a very good price since the moon was considered to be too cold for Ferengi to find it desirable. Populated the moon almost entirely with females to work the resort clad in a manner that was the requirement on Ferenginar prior to the reforms of Grand Nagus' Zek and Rom.
  • During the Borg War his moon and resort was destroyed, still exceedingly bitter about that.
  • Allowed himself to be talked into rejoining Starfleet with the caveat that he be given command of his own ship.
  • By the end of the War had commanded a fifteen different ships (three Norway-class, two Steamrunner-class, eight Defiant-class, and two Saber-class) each of which was shot out from under him mostly through the use of ship ramming maneuvers, including five during the Battle of Sol.
  • Remained in Starfleet at the end of the Borg War.
  • Refused to become part of the FMI and refused to be assimilated into Starfleet proper when the SFMC was disbanded (made a huge scene in the press, which rallied popular support, which got politicians involved), as such he is considered to be the ONLY and LAST Marine in Starfleet... though he is still subordinate to the Starfleet Chain of Command, in effect the status as LAST and ONLY Marine in Starfleet is a mostly cosmetic thing (Marine Rank, Marine Uniform).
  • Was relegated to continuing small commands and desk jobs (none of them ever for very long) due to his actions in securing his place as the LAST and ONLY Marine in Starfleet, as such he received a small Saber-class ship, the USS Monitor, and was assigned to point defense duty for the Excalibur's task group where someone could keep an eye on him... and he realizes this, and resents that too.
  • Continues to allow himself to be, in his view, terribly mistreated by Starfleet because he has nowhere else to go.
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