Star Trek: Ticonderoga

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Star Trek: Ticonderoga
Luna Class1.jpg
USS Ticonderoga
GM: Grenn
AGM: Aegis
Format: PBF
Setting: USS Ticonderoga
Year: 2410
Status: Active
[ Source ]

Star Trek: Ticonderoga is a sim set in the early 25th century which focuses around the re-exploration of Federation Space tasked by the Starfleet Re-Exploration Initiative.

The Ticonderoga is a recently commissioned Luna Class Starship equipped for long duration missions far away from secure territory. Its primary goals are to explore star systems and determine their fate after the Borg War.



Player Characters

Command Staff

Ship Staff

Open Positions

  • Chief Engineering Officer
  • Chief Medical Officer
  • Chief Science Officer
  • Chief Tactical/Security Officer
  • Chief of Operations
  • All Assistant Department Head and Staff Positions

Mission Outlines

Prelude - Assembling a Winning Team

The crew of the Ticonderoga begins to arrive in preparation for the ship's commissioning and launch. In the meantime, they begin to settle into life aboard, and for some, they have a chance to reflect on how they got here.


Adventure! | USS Phoenix | Deep Space Five | USS Excalibur
NPC Stations
Spacedock 2
Personal tools