Alya Kade

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Line 10: Line 10:
|      gender = Female
|      gender = Female
|        born = 2364
|        born = 2364
|        eyes = Blue
|        eyes = Green
|        hair = Brown
|        hair = Brown
|      height = 5'7"
|      height = 5'7"

Revision as of 18:05, 4 October 2011

Alya Kade
Alya Kade in 2392















135 lbs.




Starfleet Special Investigations


Echo Team Leader



First Appearence:

[Episode 1: Prime]



[ Source ]

Alya Kade was a Starfleet officer and one of the original members of Starfleet Special Investigations. A Joined Trill, she was only the second host of the Kade symbiont, one of the few symbionts born in the 24th century. She served in Starfleet since the outbreak of the Borg War, and saw action in several key engagements before she was headhunted to join SSI. There she was assigned to Echo Team, and partnered with Lieutenant JG David Jackson. She was well known for her steady demeanour, keen investigative instincts, and excellent understanding of Federation justice and Starfleet procedure.

The current status of Alya Kade is unknown.

This article is about a character from Star Trek: Echo and may contain spoilers.


Alya Kade was born Alya Tarrick on Trill. She spent much of her youth working in her father's workshop, where she picked up several skills in mechanic work. Nevertheless, she entered Starfleet Academy before the outbreak of the Borg War, and studied and trained as a Security Officer.

Some time after graduating, she was joined with the Kade symbiont, whose only previous host was the legendary Bruen Kade. It is known that whilst Alya's father survived the Borg attack on Trill, her mother has been missing with no trace. In addition to this loss, her fiancé Jorzan Dal, a fellow Starfleet officer, was reported Missing in Action in the second Battle of Khitomer.

In 2391, Kade transferred from her position as Chief of Security on board the USS Fearless and was assigned to SSI. She was one of the individuals hand-picked by Deputy Director Captain Logan Callahan. At New Moscow, the SSI Headquarters, she was teamed up with former pilot Lieutenant David 'Smoke' Jackson in an unlikely partnership. Technically his superior, she commanded the team to Vega Prime on their first assignment: to identify from where a group of civilian dissidents on Vega Prime had been receiving Starfleet-grade weapons.

She showed aptitude in diplomacy in coordinating Echo Team's efforts with the intractable VegaSec, getting them involved in a raid on a dissident hideout. When a group of dissidents fled, it was she who identified them and led the pursuit, chasing down the one who fled on foot. When she and Jackson discovered the weapons had been shipped on the civilian freighter Northren Star, it was her experience which ensured the ship was not simply locked down and the crew arrested, possibly closing off leads.

Kade arranged and supervised the successful undercover mission to Styx Base, the origin point of the Northern Star and the home of Vincent Black, crime lord responsible for the weapons. There she used her talents to catch the attention of Peter Zavits, right hand man of Black, and coax him into revealing key facts. She also identified Lann, an old friend of her previous host's. Now a bounty hunter on Styx Base, she successfully enlisted his help on her investigation. Lann's aid led to the death of Zavits after a capture and interrogation, but this still provided Echo Team with the information they needed to order a Starfleet raid on the station.

It was her responsibility to keep Vincent Black on the station until Starfleet's arrival. However, her efforts to sabotage his ship, the Meridian, failed when she was discovered on the ship's hull by a Betazoid agent of Black's. Captured and interrogated, she held out for as long as she could against a psychic invasion, but ultimately her cover was revealed, and Jackson's flight from Styx Base to raise the alarm. Black chased after Jackson, and Kade was left at Styx Base, tortured and tormented by her interrogator. She was saved again by Lann, who disabled the guards and helped her escape on to the Northern Star. They successfully pursued Black and rescued Jackson.

Upon the return to New Moscow, the investigation was still labelled a success. The raid on Styx Base had not gone ahead, but they were still furnished with extensive information on the arms shipping operation, including ships used, destinations, and the particular weapons factories that were the source. Regardless of Black's escape, Callahan approved and Echo Team were formally made a permanent partnership.

Within a month they successfully thwarted an effort by rogue officers to steal supplies from Starbase 414, despite extensive damage to many of the supplies themselves by a fire started by Jackson. Callahan's judgement on that success was not forthcoming, for he immediately assigned Echo Team to respond to the hijacking of a transport carrying munitions that had been stopped at Antares.

The Kade Symbiont

Alya was only the second host of the Kade symbiont. The first host, Bruen, was a true renaissance man. He was renowned for having mastered various fields, including philosophy and sciences, alongside an illustrious Starfleet career, which he followed by going into politics. He fought in the Cardassian War, but when a member of the Federation Council, engaged extensively in the rebuilding of Cardassia after the Dominion War. It was at this time he met then-Gul Lann.

His wife died of cancer, despite long efforts by Bruen to save her.

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