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K'rahl was the Third Lord of the House of K'brd'Loq. While he served time as Governor of the Klach d'kel Brakt System in 2382 he led an internal revolution against the First Lord, his Grandsire K'Trol. He set up his own House and slowly frew forves around him. He announced that his Grandsire was guilty of may serrious charges.



K'rahl son of Kur'rk


Klingon (including K'brd'Loq dialect), Federation Standard, Vulcan, Romulan, Andorian.


Klingon Opera, Martial Arts - Klingon, Terran and Andorian, Bladed weapons - Klingon, Terran, Andorian, Romulan, Vulcan.


House of K'brd'Loq

Klingon Defence Force training.


  • KDF record not fully disclosed to BF.
  • June 2376 - August 2377 CO IKS Hegh leng
  • August 2377 - December 2377 CO IKS Hegh leng (K'vort)
  • January 2378 - January 2379 CO Starbase KDB
  • January 2379 - August 2380 CO IKS Hegh leng (K'vort)
  • September 2380 - January 2381 CO USS Lakota
  • February 2381 - Between positions
  • 2382 - Governor Klach d'kel Brakt System


Currently the leader of the House of K'rahl and is the Governor of the Klach d'kel Brakt System. He has a place on the High Council however has not yet attended Qo'noS to attend a sitting.

At the Fourth Bravofleet Annual bat'etlh Tournament K'Trol was killed by a servant of K'rahl, who then commited Hegh'batlh - handing control of the unified House to K'rahl.

K'rahl was married to Q`olavraH Daughter of poQ prior to the House War, she severed the relationship due to the scandal that caused the House War. She took their children, maSwov'etlh and SuQqej to her Father's House.

K'rahl was reconcilled with his Children at the Fifth Annual bat'etlh Tournament at Khitomer.


The House of K'rahl emerged from a bitter House War between K'rahl and his grandsire, K'Trol. K'Trol had been the First Lord of the House of K'brd'Loq since the day that Praxis exploded. The K'brd'Loq were the senior House within a group called the p'Dra'on. The split in the House of K'brd'Loq affected the other three Houses of the p'Dra'on as different groups of warriors rallied to support either K'rahl or K'Trol. K'Trol disolved the alleigance and formed the House of p'Dra'on, K'rahl formed the House of K'rahl.

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