USS Christopher Reeve

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Class: Akira Class

The vessel was attatched to Deep Space Seven for the majority of the opening years of the war. In 2395 however, as the inner Federation was under attack,the base was unable to hold out as far away as they were, and all personell were recalled to the inner Federation for defense. The USS Christopher Reeve was bound for Trill to drop off several families of refugees as a stop over on the way to Earth. Among these was Aegir McIsh and his family.

On the way, the ship was attacked by the Borg. Most of the refugees were able to get out in the escape pods, but the ship itself was destroyed.

Colonel Yolen'da Surridge armed a non-cancelable self destruct and prepared to ram the cube to give the survivors a chance to get away. Before she could though, the bridge was boarded by the Borg. The crew held them back, and the ship's course was locked in, setting their fate. The vessel rammed the cube causing heavy damage due to the core breach and killing everybody left onboard. It is likley that due to the damage, the Cube was abandoned, but this is unclear.

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