L'arri T'arren

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L'arri T'arren







July 9, 2384


Emerald Green


Reddish Brown




130 lbs.


Citizen of United Federation of Planets




FMI Leader





[ Source ]


Physical Description

L'arri is short, standing just 5'6" tall, and relatively lightweight. She has a small frame, not much visible muscle mass, and can easily be looked upon as just another girl to a passing eye. She has reddish brown hair with similarly tinted fur. However, her size and body language do not reflect her abilities. She is skilled in hand to hand combat, and can hold her own in a one on one fight. While she lacks impressive brute strength, or any kind of bulk, her knowledge of physical combat and natural abilities to be very flexible and quick enable her to incapacitate an opponent, mainly by using their own strength against them.


L'arri has been classified in her Starfleet personnel record as "unstable" and "prone to violent outbursts and rebellion against authority." For these failings noted by Starfleet and the Federation Mobile Infantry, she is very mechanically gifted. She does not have any kind of formal certification, however her common sense with machinery of all kinds can rival any academy trained Starfleet Engineer. Specifically, she is gifted at tinkering with and building weapons, a skill she has put to good use in her independent lifestyle.

Following her 18th birthday, L'arri signed on with the newly formed Federation Mobile Infantry. After a fairly uneventful basic training, her aptitude exams qualified her for officer training courses. She excelled in the explosives disposal and improvised weapon manufacturing classes, and began training as an explosives expert. However, she soon began to clash with her superiors. Her random behavior swings did little to aid her training.

Since birth, L'arri had always been fiercely independent. Even at a young age, she tended to do things on her own with varying degrees of success. Her family is very well off compared to many others after the war. On Cait, they own a sizable piece of land and wield considerable political influence.

Despite her parents life, L'arri never expected them to take care of her forever. While she cannot claim to know what it is like to grow up in the harsh world of the new Federation, she knows she needs to work for her own rewards. Not there there is much to get rich off of these days anyway. The FMI seemed like a good way to stay stable and contribute. The only problem was her independent nature, and of course, her mood swings.

After getting into a few fairly serious arguments with officers and superior training NCOs, L'arri attacked her training Sergeant and nearly killed him. She was arrested and tried, but her medical profile and documented mental instability enabled her to plead a temporary insanity verdict. Since the Sergeant survived, she was acquitted and determined to not being in control of her actions at the time. She was ordered to attend regular mental health exams and to take medication to control her violent temper. After release, she skipped her sessions, did not take her medication, and disappeared. An arrest warrant was issued, but not much was made of it, due to the Federation having bigger problems to deal with.

She spends most of her time at non-Federation stations and on civilian ships as necessary. She operates a traveling business of weapon construction and repair, and obtains the necessary parts for this business through various means. Her sister K'rristina found work as a bounty hunter in recent years, but L'arri did not take her up on her offer to be a spotter and co-worker in her contracts. As always, she preferred to be independent, traveling around the galaxy and finding work as she goes.

In early 2411, she found herself on Scardia Base. She had been working on a transport that had docked there, and decided to setup shop on the station. Keeping on the move made sure the Federation didn't catch her trail. Even though they were not looking very hard. She opened a clandestine service of weapons manufacturing and repair gathering business primarily through referrals. Hanging a sign on her door wouldn't exactly be a good idea. Living on the station was tolerable, but you had to keep on your toes at all time and be ready for your customer to try and double cross you. Nonetheless, she made a good living off of people who didn't know how their favorite weapon worked.


L'arri tends to be straight forward when speaking to people. Usually it is all business and her attitude tends to be crisp and clear. This is not meant to indicate hostility, but many people take it as such. However, it is very difficult to be sure that her current tone indicates how she actually feels. Having picked up trends from her mother, she may spontaneously find something "cute" and proceed to make it known. Equally randomly, she may take something as enough of an insult to snap into a rage.

In addition to the aforementioned instability, she does get a severely disturbing amount of pleasure in breaking things down to their base elements through a carefully controlled explosion that she has created. Her skills at improvising weapons through unique methods rival any Starfleet Engineer's ability to perform miracles in the engine room.

Medical Information

Although it is usually hidden from the public, the R'Pas family line has a history of mental instability. While not generally enough to bar members from Starfleet service, it has been known to more often then not take the form of emotional instability. Members of the family line often experience feelings of joy and excitement at inappropriate times. Several records indicate members taking pleasure in the death of enemies or being responsible for causing death of an enemy. Larri's mother, M'esserri R'Pas is a prime example of this. During her career, she regularly took visible pleasure in destroying enemy vessels, or during the war causing the deaths of Borg drones.

L'arri takes after her mother and has been documented by FMI psychologists as being emotionally unstable. She shares her joy for such things, and has no shame at expressing these feelings as necessary. If not for the shortages of manpower after the war, she likely would have been barred from service, as she exhibits slightly more severe symptoms of her emotional instability then her mother did. However, she passed the psychological exams and was accepted to the Starfleet Marine Corps officer training school long before the war.


Mother: M'esserri R'Pas
Father: K'ierran T'arren

Same Age (First Group): P'erran R'pas, Aa'reth T'arren, M'rissi T'arren, M'esserri R'pas Jr. K'rrristina R'pas
4 years younger (Second Group): 6 siblings
7 years younger (Third Group): 4 siblings
9 years younder (Fourth Group: K'arra T'arren, 2 other siblings
13 years younger (Fifth Group): 4 siblings
16 years younger (Sixth Group): S'rrat R'Pas, V'rrat R'Pas, 3 other siblings

Relatives (with FE involvement): Yolen'da Surridge, M'karll R'pas, L'san R'pas, K'ndry R'pas

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