Scardia Base

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Scardia Base



Ascara Secundus


Orbital Habitat


Scardia 1


Jonathan Jefferson

First Appearence

Star Trek: SS Starlight


NPC Active

[ Source ]

Scardia Base is an orbital facility built above Ascara Secundus which was operated and owned by one Jonathan Jefferson in the early 25th century as well as prominent hub for the activities of the Scardia Corporation.

A bustling population lives on the complex separate from the Scardia Corporation. The mix attracts business to the base that the corporation can use for its various causes. The corporate sections are protected by hired security employed by the Scardia Corporation. They will act as law officers on the base if necessary in rare occasions, but primarily only protect corporate assets and nothing more.

Life on the station can be brutal, as common law keeps a semblance of order, but if a strong person tries, they can make a life here. Compared to some of overcrowded central Federation planets, the base is not that bad to live on.

The base and system are not under Federation control, nor under any other government.

In 2410, L'arri T'arren, an ex-FMI soldier and weaponsmith operated a weapons repair and special order business from her quarters in the civilian area of the still very much active station. Bryan Davies of the Adventure visited the base to recruit her to his crew.

Notable Locations

  • Promenade - a market type area, selling everything from power cells to fresh vegetables.
  • Deep Six Bar - One of the seedier bars on the station.
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