USS Ronald Reagan

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History of the USS Ronald Reagan

In the history of Star Fleet there have been 2 vessels named Ronald Reagan, one an Ambassador Class assigned to the Fourth Fleet's Task Force 86 otherwise known as the Active Incursion Division and one Galaxy Class assigned to Futility's Ends Earth Defence Force.

USS Ronald Reagan

In the year 2380 Commander Dan Taylor took command of the Federation Starship Ronald Reagan which was assigned to Bravo Fleet's Task Force 9 at the time. It did not take long for Commander Taylor to be promoted to Captain along with his promotion Captain Taylor was placed in command of Task Group Gamma.

USS Ronald Reagan - A

The USS Ronald Reagan - A was commissioned shortly after the begining of the Borg War, after Task Force 86's destruction in a vain attempt to halt the borg invasion of Raeya. The Ronald Reagan - A a Galaxy Class Vessel was launched from Utopia Planitia the hull was originally due to be named the USS DaVinci but was renamed after it was heard that Rear Admiral Taylor and his crew had managed to escape assimilation by the Borg.

USS Ronald Reagan - A Crew

Commanding Officer Admiral Dan Taylor
Executive Officer Lieutenant Commander Andrew Fairclough
Cheif Medical Officer Lieutenant Commander Moira Wainright
Cheif Tactical/Security Officer Lieutenant Commander Kroe'nn
Kla'Ralan Ambassador Kor'Ral

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