Alpha Centauri Colony

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Revision as of 22:28, 14 March 2006 by Ross Taben (Talk | contribs)
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Located on the planet Alpha Centauri the colony has been in existance since man first colonised planets beyond his own solar system.

Status in 2400

Currently only a small population live on the Alpha Centauri colony . It was first re-explored by the USS Enterprise NX 1701 - F in early 2400 where an away team from the ship encountered missing Starfleet Officers who survived the Battle of Centauri. The crew also found a secret Section 31 base where genetically modified creatures were bred to fight the Borg. During late 2400 the base was destroyed with all of its test subjects. Only recently has Starfleet been sending small groups to re-populate the planet. Recently a Starfleet Corps of Engineers ship arrived at Alpha Centauri to begin reassembly of an old Recomishioned K-type space station for the orbit of the planet. Two starships the IKS Ch'Tang, a Klingon B'rel class bird of prey, and the USS Essex, a reactivated Excelsior class ship, have been stationed at the colony to aid in defence while the planets primary defence systems are rebuilt.

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