Mustang Class

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Profile of Mustang Runabout

The Mustang Class is a Starfleet auxiliary support craft attached normally to starships and stations to be used for short range combat missions. This class is designated as a runabout type vessel as it mainly built to be operated by more then two people for longer term missions duration.

The Mustang Class runabout was designed to be a small combative support craft for starships and fighters. They were built to hold themselves longer in a fire fight and be able to transport personnel through extreme conditions (like a war zone) at a fast pace.

This class of runabout became useful and versatile during the Borg War. At least one (or sometimes two) runabouts of this class are assigned to each ship which has room in their shuttlebay to hold them.


Mustang Class runabouts get their names from a small, hardy, hardiness, grace, speed, independence, naturalized horse from the North American west. From 2400 those Mustang class runabouts that are created were named after different breeds of horses.

Technical Specifications For Mustang Class Runabouts

Category: Advanced Combat Support Runabout


Standard Cruise Velocity: 5

Maximum Cruise Velocity: 8.95


Crew: 2

Passengers: 25


Phasers: 6 Type-XI phaser banks

Torpedoes: 4 Micro Torpedo Launchers

Compliment of Micro Quantum Torpedoes: 35


Shields: Multi Layered Shielding System

Hull Plating: Ablative Armour Type One

Additional: n/a


Height: 6.9 Meters

Width: 15.6 Meters

Length: 25.2 Meters

Decks: 1

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