Alex Chadwick

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Alex Chadwick is the Commanding officer of USS Stargazer.He is one of two known Alexander Chadwick's currently in starfleet.The other is the lead engineer on the Intrepid Flight II project.This chadwick first appeared during the battle of Raeya aboard the starship kongo.The captain had been killed and chadwick assumed command on the spot.The battle of raeya was lost and the survivors of the kongon that weren't assimilated drifted for six weeks in escape pods and were eventually picked up and brought back to the sol system where every hand was needed.

Chadwick eventually found himself in sol aboard the starship Venture Star.Her commanding officer had been killed and she was boarded by dozen of drones.He appeared on the bridge from engineering wielding a klingon betleth and personally dispatched all the borg present.He assumed command of the venture star in the chaos and lead the ship through six more hours of fighting over mars.Unknown where he came from and how he came to be here after a lengthy debriefing and evaluation process, he was promoted to commander and given a command of his own.The starship Patton a small excelsior class ship.The ship was surveying the sectors around romulus when contact was lost.

It was unknown until recently what happened to the patton.She encountered a Harvester ship scavenging the planet and was destroyed trying to escape.Chadwick and a small amount of his crew escaped.

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