Alexia Janeiro

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Template:Civilian CharacterAlexia Janeiro is one of the foremost political journalists for The Tribune paper.

A former war correspondent during the Borg Conflict, the insights in her regular column are considered to be some of the harshest, if often most accurate, in the modern political climate. She has recently been assigned to follow the Presidential Campaign for the Tribune, and is focusing most of her story on the Stark for the Federation Campaign.

Some suggest this is because she is married to the Campaign's Senior Political Director - those who think that would give her an edge are often scoffed at for not understanding Janeiro or how she works.


  • 2360 – 2378: Civilian, Earth
  • 2378 – 2382: University of Stanford, Earth, Literature Student
  • 2382 – 2386: The Herald; Ecology Journalist
  • 2386 – 2398: The Herald; War Correspondent
  • 2398 – 2404: The Tribune; Palais de la Concorde Correspondent
  • 2404 – Present: The Tribune; Election Campaign Correspondent


  • Father: Solak (Status Unknown - last seen on Vulcan)
  • Mother: Elaine Janeiro (deceased)
  • Husband: Ryuss (48)
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