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The current year in Futility's End is 2422

Welcome to the Futility's End Infobase, the penultimate source for all information regarding the universe of FE. The ultimate source being Danand Albert. Take note that this Wikipedia's editing is reserved solely for members of the Futility's end universe.

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Tales from a Torn Galaxy


New ship set to launch

SAN FRANCISCO (Federation News Service) --- Star Fleet Command has announced that the third Enterprise Class Starship is due to launch in early 2410 the as yet unnamed hull is likely to be assigned to First Fleet. The Federation News Service notes that in past year fourteen ships have been assigned to the First Fleet and only one USS Voyager-A has been assigned to the Second Fleet.

Article of the month: The Century Class Starship

The Century-class is the first class of starship built with the most recent technological advances by the United Federation of Planets during the late 24th and early 25th centuries. The Century Development Project was to be capable of virtually any mission and to become notable vessels of exploration, representing the Federation in matters of diplomacy, as well as defending it in situations of combat. It was one of the newest defensive technologies intended for use against the Borg threat since the developments of other anti-Borg starship projects. The Century-class is well reknown for its highly automated systems; the first full sized starship with automated abilities to such a high degree. In theory, the Century-class would be able to be commanded by a single person from it's bridge, with a half dozen people keeping the systems in operational condition..... (read more)

The Nexus


Some believe it is the answer for everything plaguing the galaxy today. An end to suffering and devastation. A chance to get back What once was lost. A chance to live a life of peace before the Borg came.

Some will do anything for the opportunity to leave the horrors of reality behind. They've started something and it's slowly growing. 15 billion desperate souls all crying out for relief and something better

The Nexus is returning in 2410

God help us all....


A Player's Guide to Futility's End

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