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Vega colony is twenty six light years from the Sol system. It is one of the oldest human colonies in existence. The capital city is a large, modern, urban settlement named Lyrae.

During the Borg War, the population suffered as resources were reallocated to the war effort. This led to civil unrest, for the people of Vega had little experience of the conflict and so many did not agree with the sacrifices they had to make. A group of dissidents, calling themselves 'the Primaries', began to stir up discontent and strike against Federation law enforcement in 2392. This upset, and the fact that for a time they were equipped with Starfleet-issue munitions before the arms trade was shut down, would cause a backlash from the Federation. Vega Prime was one of the first planets where more draconian law enforcement powers were employed to try to restore peace, for civil discontent was considered a distraction in a time of war.

The uprisings would be quelled, but the damage to Federation civil rights, and the faith of the people of Vega, had been done.

Status in 2405

The Borg never reached the Vega system and so the colony continued to prosper. In 2401 the USS Kirk passed through the system and re-established contact. Vega was the last Human colony from the inner core to re-join the Federation. It currently serves as a stop off point for ships heading out to Deep Space One. Construction of a new spacedock is slated to begin in late 2405 as resources are available. Spacedock 3 will be the first great construction project begun in almost a decade.

Recently Federation forces have arrived at the planet and imposed martial law. It has been reported that operations have begun and the planet's resources are slowly being stripped off and utilized to construct the new spacedock. The rest are being sent to the Sol system, leaving the planet with precious few resources for itself.

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