USS Essex

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USS Essex
Navy: Starfleet
Registry: NCC-2085
Class: Excelsior
Status: Unknown
[ Source ]

The second Essex in Starfleet was one of the earliest Excelsior-class vessels in Starfleet, constructed in 2295. It served for over seventy years and was due to be decomissioned in 2374, but the outbreak of war in the preceding year caused Starfleet to halt all decommissioning ceremonies. With the fleet being strtched thin, the Essex was assigned to patrol the far borders, on the other side of the Federation to the war.

Anthony Brooks served on the Essex as a junior cartographer for three years following his graduation from the Academy in 2374. Whilst onboard he was promoted to Lieutenant j.g. He left the Essex for the Challenger in 2377.

Following the Dominion War and Starfleet's rebuilding attempts, the frame was finally mothballed in 2378 it was replaced by the Sovereign Class USS Essex. In 2398 however, the vessel was re-comissioned and served as part of the main Allied fleet in the Battle of Sol. Surviving the battle, the frame was repaired and is now stationed at Deep Space 4 in orbit of Alpha Centauri. It is one of two ships stationed there to aid in defense while the colony rebuilds.

Shortly after the vulcan invasion of Alpha Centauri the USS Essex was stolen from deep space 4. It was used in several hit and run attackes against vulcan patrol ships around the planet in late 2404.It's current whereabouts is unknown.

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