Talk:List of starship names

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Revision as of 20:49, 1 January 2006 by Chris (Talk | contribs)
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Started this 'cos I thought it'd be a good idea to have a list of canon names in one place - it'd be a great tool for writing bios aside from anything else - it'd be useful for the 'Service Record' section' and as well as that, if the ship has a page to itself, players can look uit up and perhaps find out who their character's previous CO was etc. But I've run out of time now, so what's done will have to do for now. :P - Chris 11:46, 27 Sep 2005 (EDT)

Looks good :) A welcome addition




USS Hale

I added the Hale's as 72351. A google for Nerwal, USS Hale throws up both 72351 and 75351. I'm hazarding a guess that the latter was made up by Nerwal when he left BF so as to avoid further hassle - BF isn't fond of giving up its vessels names and registries. But anyway, since this is clearly based on the BF one, I went with the first. I'm not sure if the Hale's still in BF to check, but it's not in TF9. -Chris 05:51, 23 November 2005 (EST)

I just checked, the registry for the Hale in BF now is NCC-75351. - Vince

USS Hull

Is there a registry for this? If not, 75000 is the estimated registry of the Sovvy herself, so I'd venture something between that and 80000. In fact I'd suggest lower than 76000, based purely on assumption. The Sovvies are big, bad and expensive. So there aren't many of them. So Starfleet has a relatively small range of numbers for them. You can still fit 1000 ships in that range, but it's considerably smaller than say, the Excelsior and Oberth ranges. -Chris 05:51, 23 November 2005 (EST)

No, no registry. It was launched 2383 ish in my mind. I didn't fix it any further because it was only a small part of the fic I was writing.

~Dan 09:54, 24 November 2005 (EST)

All New For The New Year!

I've added the new names that Alex and I spoke about a few days ago. This list is much larger (we're looking at least over hundred ships now!) and most are of them are as British as you can get (Alex had a thing about British names) plus as most of them are new they all have some sort of Earth reference as they were built in Sol. The main Starfleet list literally has all the classes that are actively used now in 2404. Then the other Starfleet lists allow for older classes (such as Mirandas, Excelsiors, etc) to be put in as well as starships that deserve a mention but are no longer active. We also have names for Romulan and Klingon ships. 99% of these are cannon names from the screen. We haven't had much reference to Cardassian, Dominion, Breen, Ferengi, Gorn, Tholian, etc ships so I haven't bothered with them. If someone wants to write them in they can!

Dan I hope you don't mind but I gave the USS Hull a registry similar to the USS Persus as she looked a bit lonely without one :( ...if you want to remove or change it I ain't fussed mate as its your baby!

Plus I named two ships after the two universities that me and Cath go to!! ~MJ


I was checking out the BF Main wiki today, and reminded myself that I meant to discuss categories with your guys concerning FE ships. On the BF 'un, they've got this which I think would be a good idea for us as well. We've already got First Fleet & Fourth Fleet categories, but I think a general {{Starships}} one would be good here as well, especially given the numbers we've now got. All it would take is the addition of {{Starships|Shipname}} where shipname is "Hood" rather than "USS Hood," and they all get added to the list clearly and alphabetically, without the need to edit and maintain the two seperate pages. I also think this would work well for character pages, with {{Characters|Hunter, James}} on them (or "James Hunter" if it's preferred), and we can even have subcategories such as {{NPC Characters|Taylor, Dan}} and {{Destroyed Starships|Melbourne}}.

What ye think? It just seems like the best way to cut uneeded fuss out of the picture. - Chris 15:49, 1 January 2006 (EST)

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