Talk:Alak tr'Kervek

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Revision as of 09:06, 30 March 2006 by MJ (Talk | contribs)
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Could I please expand upon why he was scapegoated during the Borg war so that this will fit with my character's backstory better? I had Ross receve a medal for facillitating the defection of a senior Tal Shiar member in 2382, just a couple months before the war started. I was thinking of saying that the Tal Shiar under Alak's leadership had already been rocked by scandal when the third most senior member of the orginazation defected in 2382, and then later when it was revealed that Alak's mentor was a Federation spy (who perhaps assisted in the defection), that was all the Senate needed to get rid of him. Ross Taben 12:46, 29 March 2006 (EST)

He was blamed by the Romulan Senate after it was found his mentor and predecessor was a Federation spy (see That's the reason why he was blamed by the Senate, he should have found out sooner that Koval was working for the Federation and providing them with information they required regarding the Romulan political scene. Koval by the time Kervek came the chairman of the Tal Shiar would have become a senate or retired because of his possible illness of Tuvan Syndrome. If you want to add more please do but that's literally the backstory we used on DS1 with Kervek - he would probably die now of old age or suicide in a Federation penal colony. - MJ

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