Starbase 23

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Starbase 23 was constructed in mid 2314 as a mid core stop off base for Starships destined for the Federations borders with the Romulans and Klingons. Based in the Deralnas Sector, the 'base orbited an Earth-sized moon of the systems Gas Giant. It provided command control and support for the adjoining four sectors of space.

The Dominion War

The Starbase was on the wrong side of Federation territory to be involved much in the War effort. On several occasions, it was host to task groups of Klingon and Romulan ships passing by to the Cardassian border. Thanks to Wartime cutbacks, 800 of it's 2600 decks were closed to save power and supplies. A skeleton crew was left to man the station as the majority of personnel went to fill front line positions.

The Borg War

As with much of the Federation, Starbase 23 wasn't threatened by Borg incursions until 2395. The Station, while still operating on it's skeleton crew and supplies was ordered abandoned. Starfleet risk assessment had determined the Station wasn't of much Strategic use, or even burdened with supplies to defend. The bases Commanding Officer was authorised to self destruct the base.

The CO at the time - one Captain Mifune - decided to sting the Borg if he had to give up the station. Most of what was left of the crew evacuated to Earth, while a very tiny crew of ten, including Mifune, stayed behind to put the Captains plan into action. The Starbase fired into it's Gas Giant parent, causing a destabilisation in its elemental crust at it's core. The Starbase began firing at the incoming six Cubes and seven Spheres automatically to cover the crews escape. By the time the Borg were in sensor range of the Gas Giant, it was already too late for most of them to escape the collapsing Giants grasp. Chunks of the inner core escaped at fantastic speeds. Superheated by the pressure, they collided with the Borg ships, destroying three spheres and crippling the rest. Thanks to it's relatively safe position behind the moon, The Starbases computer was able to pick off two cubes and the four remaining spheres before being destroyed itself. The fate of the remaining Cube was unknown. Stafleet has pegged the system for a salvage mission sometime in the future.

The crew were all given Starfleet Citations for their work in delvering a blow to the Borg. Captain Mifune was promoted to Commodore and given command of the USS Wisconsin.

Notable Crewmen

(Then) Ensign Peter Ingram, Intelligence Liaison

OOC Information

Captain Mifune, the Starbases CO was named for the other Captain Mifune, Commander of Zion's army in The Matrix Trilogy.

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