Sydney Class

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Sydney Class in service

The Sydney Class is a Starfleet auxiliary support craft attached normally to starships and stations to be used for short range transport missions. This class is designated as a runabout type vessel as it mainly built to be operated by more then two people for longer term missions duration.

This type of runabout has been in service of Starfleet for over a century now. Originally the class was decommissioned in 2385 in favour of the use of Huron Class and Mustang Class runabouts the class returned in 2400 after the Borg War left Starfleet with not many transport type vessels. The class fulfils a vital need in this post war Federation for cheap quick inter system transportation. The Sydney class is easily repaired with available resources and is easily maintained.

Technical Specifications For Sydney Class Runabouts

Category: Personal Transport Runabout


Standard Cruise Velocity: 5

Maximum Cruise Velocity: 7.2


Crew: 4 (maximum 12)

Passengers: 30


Phasers: 2 Type-VII phaser banks

Torpedoes: n/a


Shields: Multi Layered Shielding System

Hull Plating: n/a

Additional: n/a


Height: 80 Meters

Width: 36 Meters

Length: 22 Meters

Decks: 3

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