Michael McConnell

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Michael James McConnell
McConnell in 2406







21st January, 2353


Light Brown















[ Source ]

Michael McConnell is the Executive Officer of Deep Space Five. McConnell is the former commander of the USS Gemini. With that ship's destruction during the Borg War, he retired, only to be pulled into active duty in order to provide an experienced Executive Officer for Deep Space Five. With his renewed commission, McConnell chose not to re assume his rank of Commodore, instead taking back the rank of Captain. In 2410 McConnell was reassigned to Star Fleet Command.


Personal Details

Full Name: Michael James McConnell

Terran Age: 53

Place of Birth: Houston, Texas, Earth

Marital Status Single


Father: Michael Andrew McConnell (Deceased. Former CEO of Civilian Starfleet Shuttlecraft Engineering.)

Mother: Alyssa Sarah McConnell (Retired teacher. Resides in Houston, Texas)

Siblings: Christine McConnell, Lieutenant (KIS - USS Enterprise NCC-1701-D, Stardate 45156.1), Jack McConnell, Lieutenant, MD (MIA, Borg War)

Other Family: Grandfather - Charles Robert McConnell (Retired General, Starfleet Marines. MIA.)


Physique/Build/Frame: Athletic, Broad Shouldered

Skin Tone: Medium Tan

Distinguishing Marks: Surgery scar on left knee, birthmark on lower back Michael is well built, broad shouldered, and in shape. He stands at 6'3" and keeps his body toned. His workout regimen keeps him at an average 210 pounds for his size.

His eyes are a very light brown that turn almost green in the bright light. McConnell keeps his face clean shaven. His hair is kept at a reasonable length, clean cut, with a part on the left side. Due to his slightly wavy hair, a few unruly locks may fall on his forehead at times.

Starfleet Record



  • Demotion to the rank of Captain from the rank of Commodore. (2384)

Service History

  • 2369 - 2373: Starfleet Academy, Officer Candidate, Red Squad (Cadet)
  • 2373 - 2375: USS Unity; Flight Control Officer (Ensign)
  • 2375 - 2376: USS Sovereign; Flight Control Officer (Lieutenant JG)
  • 2376 - 2376: USS Sovereign; Chief Flight Control Officer (Lieutenant)
  • 2376 - 2377: USS Sovereign; Chief Tactical Officer (Lieutenant)
  • 2377 - 2379: Deep Space Ten; Chief Tactical Officer (Lieutenant)
  • 2379 - 2380: Deep Space Ten; Second Officer (Lieutenant Commander)
  • 2380 - 2380: USS Lexington; Executive Officer (Lieutenant Commander)
  • 2380 - 2382: USS Lexington; Executive Officer (Commander)
  • 2382 - 2384: USS Gemini; Commanding Officer (Captain)
  • 2384 - 2384: TF58 Operations; Executive Officer (Commodore)
  • 2384 - 2391: USS Gemini; Commanding Officer (Captain)
  • 2391 - 2398: USS Gemini; Commanding Officer (Commodore)
  • 2398 - 2406: Retired
  • 2406 - Present: Deep Space Five; Executive Officer (Captain)



Michael McConnell was born on January 21, 2353 in Houston, Texas. His parents are Michael James McConnell Sr., a civilian Starfleet shuttle engineer and CEO; and Alyssa Sarah McConnell, a retired high school teacher.

He is the second of three children: an older sister, Christine; and a younger brother, Jack.

The McConnell household was the typical Federation style lifestyle. All that changed when Christine, serving aboard the USS Enterprise-D as a Lieutenant, was killed during the Borg invasion of 2366 when a cutting beam caused a hull breach in the engineering section. The loss hit Michael hard, and he vowed to take his sister's place in Starfleet.

Michael is a natural pilot and gained his civilian pilot's license at the age of 10. He grew up around spacecraft his whole life. A year later, he and his grandfather, Charles, were running testing maneuvers over Tycho City on Earth's moon, when a gravimetric stabilizer malfunctioned, sending the shuttle careening into a passing yacht. Both were beamed to safety, but the collision shattered Michael's left knee, requiring an artificial replacement.

In high school, he was an exceptional student and good athlete. He played football and water polo, as well as taking part in many of the academic activities such as student council and debate team. His senior year, as captain and quarterback of the football team, he was noticed by then Lieutenant Commander Martin Madden, who sponsored his entry into Starfleet Academy. Michael was accepted at the age of 18.

Starfleet Academy

He began his freshman year under general studies. Michael's arrogance and spunkiness often made the wrong impression on professors. He was not liked by the staff and was known for speaking his mind at the wrong moment.

He soon tamed his ways under the tutelage of Lieutenant Joe Cable, and eventually fell into good favor with the academy staff. Many professors immediately noticed the traits that would place him on an immediate track to eventual Command.

Junior year he was offered a spot on Red Squad and considered turning it down because he wished to experience the true Academy life, not being separated from his friends and peers, but eventually accepted considering at his future career. He quickly became lead of the squad his senior year, as well participating in Golf team, Chess club, and the American Football Team.

He graduated in 2371 in the 94th Percentile of his class with honors.

Pre Borg War

McConnell has demonstrated excellent marksmanship with a sniper rifle; and due to the shortage of soldiers near the end of the Dominion war, he was assigned to the U.S.S. Unity, officially as a Helmsman. Aboard the Unity, McConnell took part in a special operation involving the infiltration of a Cardassian refugee camp on Ventani II. The operation was a complete failure and deemed classified. McConnell will not, and is not allowed, to speak of the operation.

Because of his Dominion War service, he was assigned to the U.S.S Sovereign under Admiral Nechayev with a promotion to Lieutenant JG. He served as a helm officer for one year before being promoted to Lieutenant.

After 8 months as the chief helm officer, he transferred to tactical. He was forced to take over as Chief Tactical Officer when that ship's officer was killed on an away mission.

McConnell served as the Sovereign's Chief Security and Tactical Officer for a year before he was transferred to Deep Space Ten. There he served as the Chief Tactical Officer on both the station and the USS Firestar. He also commanded the USS Firestar on several missions. He served several years on Deep Space Ten with destinction, becoming second officer. Michael proved to be adept at small time tactical maneuvers and strategy.

McConnell was promoted to Lieutenant Commander and assigned to the USS Lexington under Captain Sylvia Cartwright. He served as her Executive Officer with distinction. McConnell is well liked by those he served with and quickly learned the trust of Captain Cartwright.

He served as the Lexington's Executive Officer until 2382, when he was offered command of the USS Gemini.

As commander of the Gemini, McConnell progressed the induction of the Makkus into the Federation, despite their close range to C'Hakilian space. The Gemini continued to patrol the Raeyon Sector controlling pirate activity and settling various disputes. After six months of patrolling the Raeyan Sector, the Gemini was dispatched to the Unknown Regions of the Sector to chart the territory. The ship was successful in charting more than half of the territory before being recalled to Earth.

Shortly after, the crew of the USS Gemini participated in the test flight of the USS Universe, which was thought of as a weapons test by the Romulans. The Universe test was unsuccessful, an explosion creating a rift that ravaged that area of space and providing an extraordinary amount of wormholes to destination throughout the quadrant. The USS Gemini was destroyed in an attempt to close the rift and keep it out of the hands of Romulan Commander Androveer Vokar. McConnell was captured and temporarily brainwashed and genetically engineered into a Romulan agent.

The crew of the USS Gemini NCC-74680-A, Galaxy class, under the command of McConnell’s former first officer, Captain Kara Stryker, rescued McConnell. After intensive surgery to remove several brain implants and genetic therapy to return him to his human state, McConnell was declared fit for active duty. He chose not to assume command of the new Gemini, instead accepting a promotion to Commodore and taking a desk job at TF58 Operations on Earth.

While a Commodore, he discovered a plot for a coup d'état involving several high ranking Starfleet officials. The group was part of a separatist movement believing in the superiority of humans above all in the Federation. Starfleet denied McConnell’s request to send a ship to investigate the matter, believing it to be false information. In response, McConnell stole a starship and managed to stop a plot to distribute a lethal virus throughout the Federation, which would only infect non-humans.

After those events, McConnell was demoted to Captain due to his insubordination, as were many of his subordinates. With his new rank, he once again assumed command of the Gemini.

For the next two years, the USS Gemini served in Federation space along the Romulan border. The crew played a key role in helping improve relations between the Romulan Star Empire and the Federation.

The Borg War

The Gemini was conducting operations along the Romulan border near Deep Space Nine when the Borg invasion hit the Alpha Quadrant.

First Battle of Bajor

Late in arriving to the stand off at Deep Space Nine, the Gemini participated in the First Battle of Bajor. Suffering heavy losses in comparison to the Dominion ships and the battle clearly won, McConnell was forced to order a retreat from the area in order to save the ship. The USS Gemini arrived at the Antares Ship Yards to undergo the ordered refits and upgrades of her defense systems based on the Dominion technology.

Combat Patrol

The refit was complete near the end of 2385, and the Gemini was relaunched. McConnell spent the next year heading up the rebuilt Task Force 22, which was tasked with patrolling the Bajor sector and surrounding areas. Over the next year, Borg attacks scaled down, and the Gemini encountered only one sphere monitoring the area.

When the Borg began their offensive on the Romulan Star Empire, Captain McConnell lobbied to have the Gemini deployed to assist. He felt the prior dealings the Gemini’s crew had experienced with the Romulans would help give an advantage. McConnell’s requests were denied, and instead the Gemini ordered to stay in the Bajor system.

McConnell grew impatient at his continued denied requests to be deployed on the front lines. He spent the next year in continuous protest with the Admiralty, escalating into many outbursts towards the end of 2387. The choice not to include the USS Gemini in the assault through the Transwarp Hub left McConnell bitter and discouraged. His crew was restless, and he was itching to prove their worthiness in the war. Soon, he became haunted by his failure to stay in the first Battle of Bajor, believing that to be reasons for Starfleet’s reluctance to send him into combat.

Second Battle of Bajor

His wishes were answered months later, at the Second Battle of Bajor. The Gemini was successful in the defense of Deep Space 9 and Bajor, assisting in the destruction of seven Borg cubes. Even so, the fleet was forced to retreat to Starbase 375, where the Gemini stayed for the foreseeable future.

Starbase 565

The construction of the new starbase at Wolf 359 became the Gemini’s new assignment. Joining Task Force 25, her task of safeguarding the station until completion was quiet and uneventful. During this time, Michael McConnell received yet another promotion to Commodore. This time, he welcomed the promotion, hopeful to assist in the decision making process of the war. Celebration of his promotion, however, would not happen…

Second Battle of Wolf 359

The storm finally reached Wolf 359. McConnell had lost his older sister in the first battle in the system. The Gemini managed to escape the offensive in relatively good condition. She was instrumental in assisting in the evacuation of the dying Starbase 565. The remainders of the station’s members were integrated into the Gemini crew on her way to Alpha Centauri…

Battle of Alpha Centauri

For the next two years, the Gemini participated in numerous offensives on Borg territory. Many attempts were made to establish contact with alienated worlds, but all were unsuccessful. Each time McConnell was forced to fall back to Alpha Centauri.

The Borg attacked Alpha Centauri with a force of eight ships. Outmatched against the attacking ships, the Gemini took extremely heavy damage. The Gemini managed to assist in the destruction of three spheres before engaging a cube. With her shields down and weapons failing, the Gemini quickly became unable to defend nor attack in the battle. She had been damaged near beyond repair.

Commodore McConnell ordered for the ship to be abandoned, and placed her on a course to ram the most damaged cube. The impact and resulting explosion of the Galaxy class ship was successful in disabling the cube.

It was the second time Michael McConnell had ordered the destruction of a USS Gemini.

The remainders of the Fourth Fleet took heavy losses, and were ultimately responsible for slowing down the Borg and successfully defending Alpha Centauri. The commodore and most of the Gemini crew were rescued by the USS Galaxy. There McConnell remained aboard, merely as an observer, during the decisive Battle of Sol.


With the war over and his ship gone, Michael McConnell no longer felt the drive necessary to be a day in and day out Starfleet officer. He retired prematurely and settled on his family ranch near Houston, Texas with intentions of rebuilding the land

Periodically, he would help in occasional tasks, assisting in diplomatic talks with other races still left on Earth, separated from their homes.

Personality Profile

Michael is a confident individual that tends to puts a person at ease. His easy-going attitude makes others comfortable around him.

He is not shaken easily and takes new situations with calm. He has a natural leadership ability that makes people want to work for him. He has a commanding presence that instills confidence in others. While he enjoys meeting new people, he keeps only a small circle of close friends.

Under his air of confidence and calmness is, at times, an unsure individual. Many times, McConnell isn’t sure of himself or his decisions. He knows that, as a starship commander, he must display an appearance of unwavering conviction, even though deep down he questions his own decisions nearly constantly.

Quirks: Must have shower immediately after waking up. Will not sleep in unmade bed. Tends to over work self. Picky about uniform appearance, not due to vainness, but because of habit. Reads the last chapter of a book first, reads magazines, editorials, and news from end to beginning.

Likes and Dislikes

Likes: Loves big band jazz and rock and roll. Has grown fond of Andorian Blues. Plays trumpet. Favorite sport is American Football, however enjoys golf and tennis, along with swimming and water polo. Favorite foods: Steak and baked potato, Italian foods, Klingon Gagh (Sautéed), crab, Vulcan broths, sushi .

Dislikes: Can’t stand tomatoes. Hates clutter and disorganization. Does not like cats. While naturally a trusting individual, he has grown uneasy among Romulans due to his dealings with them early in his command career. Like most Federation members of the 25th century, he holds a strong disdain for the Borg.

Strengths and Weaknesses

Strengths/Talents: Has been found to have a strong sense in Strategic and Tactical Maneuvers. Has shown a quiet, natural leadership ability. Athletically gifted. Elite pilot. Possesses and unbiased mind in most situations.

Limitations/Weaknesses: Hates spiders. Artificial left knee, which at times can act up, causing pain. Personal attachments are a weak point, he finds it extremely difficult to let go of someone close either leaving his life, or through death. Let’s past mistakes stay with him. An extremely stubborn individual. Hypersensitive hearing in right ear. (Treated) McConnell can get claustrophobic at times, but it isn’t severe.

Ambitions and Hobbies

Ambitions: Michael McConnell was born to command a starship. It was his single goal since entering the Academy and before. Early in his career, it wasn’t a matter of whether he would become a captain, but simply when. With the destructions of his first two commands, the second being during the war, he has become content to settle down on Earth retired from Starfleet.

Interests and Hobbies: Science fiction, adventure, and mystery novels and holodeck programs. Classic automobiles. Mystery/spy/secret agent holodeck programs. Chess and Three dimensional chess. Michael loves to play football and often indulges in tennis and golf. He is an accomplished trumpet player.

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