Molly Kane

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Molly Kane





Jewish American Marezian Betazoid




August 1st, 2369








129 lbs


United Federation of Planets, Starfleet


Deep Space Five


Chief Counselor


Lieutenant Commander



[ Source ]

Molly Kane was the Chief Counselor on the Deep Space Five in the early 25th century as of 2406.

Molly is quiet and reserved, thin and fair-skinned, and keeps most of her opinions to herself. She is most expressive during bouts of spontaneity, which has surprisingly, been positively correlated with increased introversion and self-control.


Character History

Strengths and Weaknesses

Early impressions often portray Kane as abnormally quiet and a surprisingly frequent patron of the nearest bar. Her personality seems to waver from a reserved and dedicated officer to a flamboyant, highly-sociable twenty-something. Nonetheless, although she tends to be a self-proclaimed follower in most situations, emergency circumstances find Molly playing a strong leader in maintaining the psychological and physical health in a team.

As lofty and unattainable as it may seem, the doctor's main ambition in life is to start a family. The aftermath of the war, however, has proven this particular goal to be close to unattainable. Her previous dependence on liquid courage is almost ironic, as Kane's primary hobby involves any athletic activities involving water.

Family and School

Born to half-Betazoid Angelina Kane and full-humanoid Ryan Kane, amidst a Parisian background, Molly's humor is only one of the characteristics that differentiate her from twin sister Riley, who has been missing-in-action since 2397. Optimism (within Molly) sets the twin's personalities apart. The two often conflicted between their Betazoid and Humanoid backgrounds, but the Lieutenant seems to accept more of her human heritage than her sister does, citing her Betazoid abilities as dependent behavior.

Molly did, however, look up to Riley, weighing her opinion carefully with her own before jumping into a commitment. The complication in their relationship came awkwardly, as their roles were more than often reversed; Riley preferred to take on the role of the older sibling of the two, but the responsibility fell most naturally on Molly, who nonetheless looked to Riley for advice. True to her counseling nature, the former observes a situation before diving committing to it; a habit taken from her time at Annapolis. This is also where the twin's relationship soured, as a result of Molly’s advanced placement at the University of Betazed. Both girls spent a lot of time alone on Betazed, finding it difficult to manage their time together along with their conflicting schedules. Molly nonetheless graduated, and moved on to Annapolis Naval Academy, where she surprised both her parents when she was honorably discharged as 2nd Lieutenant.

In an effort to mend burnt bridges as well as her own career path, Molly majored in Medicine, but never fully-committed to idea, having minored in Counseling and accepted a position as Intern to the Counselor General at Starfleet Medical. She had a knack for dolling out advice, but did get a chance to "finish" the rest of her medical education on the USS Mermaid.


When her parents passed away in 2398, Molly retired, alluding to a lack of faith she had in Starfleet. She moved to Paris, France, where her father left an abandoned and dilapidated estate home. In what should've just been a period of inactive leave, Kane met her first husband and then divorced him, a series of events that brought the former Lieutenant Commander out of retirement and into Starfleet again, bringing concern to her friends, as news of her demotion spread.

Nonetheless, the Commander is still as eccentric and unique (albeit a more reserved than usual) as she was during her time at the Academy, and her counseling skills have greatly improved since. Grief therapy has been recommended, to amend the fallout after the war, but no efforts have been made on Kane's part. Her marriage to the late Captain Maxwell Ashford (who has been presumed-killed-in action) proved to be happy, albeit short.

In the meantime, the counselor has been found on a variety of reassignments. After another period of inactive leave, Kane made a seemingly spontaneous decision to accept a position as Chief Counselor on Deep Space Five. Curiously, once the Commander's commission and rank were reactivated, Starfleet Medical was simultaneously alerted. Previous concerns regarding the Counselor's state of mind have become problematic, since the twin's social relations have been strained, at best. She is keen to keep to herself.

Service Record

  • 2381 - 2383: University of Betazed Advanced Studies (Psychology)
  • 2383 - 2385: Annapolis Military Academy Honorable Discharge
  • 2385 - 2389: Starfleet Academy
  • 2389: Graduated the Academy majoring in Medicine and minoring in Counseling; Given rank of Ensign; Assigned as assistant intern to the Counselor General
  • 2390: Promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade
  • 2391: Promoted to Lieutenant; Posted aboard the USS Mermaid as Chief Medical Officer
  • 2392: Promoted to Lieutenant Commander
  • 2393: Posted aboard the USS Recon-B as Chief Counselor
  • 2394: Retired
  • 2395: Starfleet commission reactivated; no change in rank
  • 2395: Re-entry into Starfleet Academy, majoring in Intelligence and minoring in Criminology; Advanced Studies
  • 2396: Demoted to Lieutenant; Posted onboard the USS Akagi as Assistant Chief Intelligence Officer
  • 2397: Posted onboard the USS Miranda as Chief Counselor
  • 2397: Posted onboard the USS Prometheus as Chief Counselor
  • 2397: Posted onboard the USS Venture as Chief Medical Officer
  • 2398: Promoted to Lieutenant Commander
  • 2398 - 2399: Inactive
  • 2400: Posted aboard the USS Havers as Executive officer
  • 2401: Posted to 21st Expeditionary Unit as 1st Battalion Medical Officer
  • 2401: Posted to USS Chicago as Pilot
  • 2403: Posted to USS Chicago as Squadron Pilot; Callsign "Israel"
  • 2405 - 2406: Inactive
  • 2406: Posted to Deep Space Five as Chief Counselor

Personal Life

Rumors have recently surfaced regarding Kane's relationship with the Smith children; although all five children have actively denied any familial ties.

Molly was seen with Amir Roosevelt Smith throughout 2405, although pictures were not published.


  • Father: Ryan Kane (deceased)
  • Mother: Angelina Kane (deceased)
  • Sister: Riley Kane (Twin, MIA) Lt.
  • Spouse: Maxwell Ashford, Cptn. (PKIA)
  • Children: Alexandre Maxwell Louis "Ash" Kane Ashford, Elle Mordekai Annmarie "Kay" Kane Ashford
  • Other Family:
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