Tycho Natyra

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Tycho Natyra













5' 9"




United Federation of Planets


U.S.S. Enterprise (NCC-1701-F)


Executive Officer






Cath Stinton

[ Source ]

Tycho Natyra is a Bajoran woman serving in Starfleet, currently assigned to the Federation flagship USS Enterprise-F as first officer.



  • Mother: Krell Davan (Deceased)
  • Father: Tycho Stari (Deceased)
  • Brother: Tycho Aled


Tycho is a tall, slender, austere woman. In her late thirties, age has only enhanced the aura of self-control she emanates, and her appearance encapsulated her reputation of discipline. Her dark blonde hair is always tied back neatly out of the way, sometimes severely, accentuating her sharp features. Her uniform is unfailingly neat and tidy, she operates with the calm organisation of a seasoned officer who has established the middle ground between disciplined and over-eager. She smiles rarely, and when she does it is more often rather wry than humorous or pleasant.

Personal Background

Tycho Natyra was born shortly before the end of the Cardassian Occupation of Bajor, the younger sibling in a family living in a coastal fishing community, rural and often abused as an ideal location for leave for Cardassian soldiers. Her father was a member of the local Resistance cell, keeping his cover behind her mother’s managing of the family fishing business. When the Occupation ended, the rural community was left without as much aid as many other more resource-intensive parts of Bajor, despite the waste which had been laid to the town as a result of regular military contact.

Thus Tycho and her elder brother grew up in an environment demanding that they, their family, and the community fend for itself, without reliance upon outside help. From a young age she helped in the family business, learning how to handle a boat. But luxuries were limited, and it was not until after the Dominion War that the Federation’s aid efforts reached this little corner of Bajor.

For Tycho and her family, this was a catalyst for great change. She finally had contact with an authoritarian body which was interested in helping people, and although she was only in her early teens, offered what help could be useful with cargo shipments and other such movement on the boats of the family business. But there was also a tragic result of the authorities reaching the town – although the Occupation had ended nearly ten years ago, investigations into culpability and involvement continued, and it was as the town was being rebuilt that the Bajoran Militia uncovered her father’s guilt as a Cardassian collaborator.

As a drama in a small community, it was brief. But this was solely because her father, upon hearing of the news getting out, attempted to flee the town. He was stopped by two of his old comrades from his resistance cell, who beat him to death before the Militia could catch up with any of them.

These events would have a massive affect on Tycho. She knew she wanted to get off Bajor, and that the only authoritarian body which had brought good to her home was Starfleet. Although she understood the actions of the militia, she could not help but hold them partly responsible for her father’s death, and with that came a massive loathing for so-called vigilante ‘justice’, which she considered selfish and unjust. Finally were her feelings towards her father, his actions, and his death – the proof was incontrovertible and Davan himself had not denied the accusations. She felt it keenly as a betrayal of the Bajoran people, his comrades, and most of all, his family.

The next five years on Bajor were despised by Tycho, who at this point set to one side a lot of her local work in favour of studying harder so as to be accepted into Starfleet, or to at least get off-world. This all seemed more possible as Federation membership loomed, and her desire to serve the one organisation which she felt had helped her community was only augmented with the outbreak of the Borg Wars.

She intended to enlist, but when she spoke to the recruitment office on Bajor, a kindly petty officer took her to one side, pointed out how she had overtaken students who had been in full education their entire lives within a few years after her academic drive, and instead gave her an application form for officer training at the Academy. Thus it was that she spent the next three years in San Francisco, chafing slightly in her desire to be useful, but believing she could be more use as an officer.

Tycho had a strange time at the Academy. Her intentions of protecting whichever community was her responsibility saw her training as a security officer, and she was somewhat taken aback when her studies consisted of more combat training than she had expected. When asking, her instructors would wearily point out that preparation for War was more important than the internal strife of the Federation. Her protests regarding local criminal elements and discord on planets during the conflict fell on deaf ears, and thus it was that to study what she wanted in relation to her training as a Security officer, she had to lose a lot of her spare time to take extra courses in criminal psychology with the counselling division.

Upon graduation, Tycho was assigned to the USS Thomas Jefferson in a position considered undesirable by her peers: Security Investigations officer. Not primarily a combat officer, Tycho was thus mostly dumped with the paperwork of her department, with little to do in her actual duties, even though she did see some significant Borg conflict.

It was only the fact that she was still an excellent marksman and combatant that saw her getting what she’d wanted since she’d arrived on the Jefferson – a transfer. This was to the USS Dragon, a Sabre-class ship doing nothing but what was considered pointless internal patrols. But as Chief of Security, Tycho now had the opportunity to serve as she wanted, and as the Dragon clashed with pirates making attacks on supplies headed for the front line, she and the ship made a name for themselves amongst those who cared what was happening in internal affairs.

One year later, in 2392, there were people who cared about internal affairs. She was approached by the Deputy Head of the newly-formed Starfleet Security Investigations, Captain Callahan, and offered a position as an investigative officer. Charged with dealing with all of the domestic threats which could rip the Federation apart from the inside or cripple the war effort, SSI was doomed to be an organisation whose full worth would not be seen until the conflict ended.

But Tycho leapt at the opportunity to serve Starfleet as she had always wished, and rapidly established a name for herself – amongst those who cared – as an investigator for SSI. She spent the next six years in the duty, focused on mostly the anti-war terrorist organisations and mob crime capitalising upon the diminished ranks in law enforcement. For the most part, however, hers was the fate of all others in the organisation in interactions with the rest of the Fleet. Usually ignored or mocked for not doing ‘proper’ duty in repelling the Borg invasion, SSI was not the place for glory. Fortunately for Tycho, duty came first.

She would not see ‘normal’ service again until the Battle of Sol itself, where her old Captain from the USS Dragon, still solid and on the front lines, especially requested her at his tactical station when she put herself up for transfer in the approach of the fight. So she saw the battle alongside old shipmates with whom she hadn’t served in years, and the trusty Dragon held together until the final hours, where a ship her size couldn’t sustain the long-term fighting, and eventually the call was made to abandon ship.

Only a quarter of the crew survived, Tycho included, watching the rest of the Battle of Sol from an escape pod, which eventually fell into Earth’s atmosphere, where it landed. In the aftermath of the initial post-war environment, SSI underwent an exponential increase in staff, experienced officers like Tycho now heading up entire investigation units that they could now sustain. The atmosphere of fear and paranoia about the Sol system was one where the organisation could afford to push its agenda of security, and the particular backing of Vice-President Jellico permitted a lot of the legal freedoms the department had been presented with to stay in place.

Thus Tycho was no longer in an organisation that was mocked or undermined – now, SSI became one of the most influential and important departments in the Federation, obsessed as it now was with domestic protection and security. As such, when Bajor re-entered the Federation, with its extensive Starfleet presence, SSI was intent on establishing an office in this new Federation utopia, and Tycho, for her experience and her position as a Bajoran native, was selected as the branch’s director.

This lasted for two years, Tycho bitterly unhappy with the decision. She hated being back on Bajor, and the perceived utopia of the planet left her irritated at being apparently side-lined when she believed there was more important work she could do. Even when Director Callahan explained to her that he wanted eyes and ears on the previously independent Bajor, she quietened down but still expressed a wish to be given the first position out of there that came available.

It seemed that Callahan listened, because when word came about that a posting was open for the Executive Officer of the Federation flagship, SSI pulled its strings to make sure that it was one of their people who filled the billet – and thus, not even entirely pleased with that new call, Tycho Natyra was assigned to the USS Enterprise.


  • Sailing
  • Alpha Quadrant spiritualism
  • Bajoran history
  • Earth 2nd Millennium Literature
  • Jogging
  • Marksmanship
  • Criminal Psychology
  • Earth Music (Jazz, Classical)


  • Earth Defence Medal
  • Distinguished Service Medal

Service Record

  • 2385 – 2388: Starfleet Academy (Cadet)
  • 2388 – 2391: USS Thomas Jefferson; Security Investigations Officer (Ensign)
  • 2391 – 2392: USS Dragon; Chief of Security (Lieutenant JG)
  • 2392 – 2394: SSI Investigative Team Member (Lieutenant JG)
  • 2394 – 2398: SSI Investigative Team Member (Lieutenant)
  • 2398: USS Dragon; Chief of Security (Lieutenant)
  • 2398 – 2403: SSI Field Team Leader (Lieutenant Commander)
  • 2403 – 2405: SSI Bajor; Director (Commander)
  • 2405 – Present: USS Enterprise; Executive Officer (Commander)
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