Angry Apes

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Originally known as the 12th Earth Defence Force Squadron, the "Angry Apes" were one of the more revolutionary efforts by Starfleet Command to return to a former structure that suggested strength and competence to the entire galaxy. With the decimation that Star Fighter Command suffered during the Borg Wars, re-establishing the infrastructure and flexibility fighter squadrons offered was considered important, and the Apes were at the forefront of the efforts to place a fighter squadron in a prominent position of responsibility. With most other squadrons in existence assigned to simple guard duty, the Apes were the first of a new generation of independent fighter squadrons.

They were given extensive mobility, based off Zephyria Base but also attached to the USS Thunderchild for rapid deployment whenever a threat was seen where it was thought a fighter squadron would be seen as best to deal with it. They displayed their efficacity early on in showing how fighters could be faster and more flexible in combat situations than a starship, and were instrumental in many of the conflicts against the Vulcans when war broke out.

The Apes were one of the biggest successs of SFC, and certainly one of the key reasons the organisation was deemed important enough to be granted independence as a division of the Federation military. With the independence, the Angry Apes became known as 12-SFS.

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