Claire Sky

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Claire Julia Sky is a Starfleet captain and commands the USS Bellerophon.

In 2402 the Belloreophon escorted the USS Enterprise-F to the San Francisco Shipyards, Captain Sky welcomed Captain Zack Marshall-Bennet and his crew home back to Earth (DS1: "The Miracle Workers").

In mid-2403, the Bellerophon encountered, on escort, mysterious sensor readings from the debris field around Neptune. Sending in a shuttle to investigate, the signal turned out to be nothing but the remnants of some scavengers who had been unable to outwit the debris, but on the way back the shuttle was struck by an asteroid and left drifting. Captain Sky gave the order to send the Bellerophon in directly to retrieve the shuttle and the two pilots. When the shuttle had been brought back on board, a massive asteroid hit the side of the ship, and caused some intensive hull damage. Twelve crewmembers were killed by the impact, others wounded, and the Bellerophon could only limp back to Earth with the damage she had suffered. There was an inquiry into the culpability of Captain Sky for her decision that had led to the deaths of twelve of her crewmembers, but ultimately it was decided that the alternative choice, to give up the shuttle and its pilots for lost, would have been yet more morally reprehensible than a mistake which could not have been foreseen.

Captain Sky was killed when the USS Bellerophon was destroyed in late 2403 by Lieutenant Jason McQueen when he stole the prototype shuttle the Epsilon Scout. With the luxury of lowered shields and no defensive procedures, a key shot in a delicate position along the warp coil detonated the ship immediately, with almost no survivors - Captain Sky was one of the casualties.

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