Garren Lucas

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Garren Lucas

Human / Betazoid






28 y/o








187 lbs




USS Phoenix


Mobile Infantry Commander


First Lieutenant

First Mentioned:

USS Phoenix

First Appearence:

Mission 5 - Brave New Universe

[ Source ]


Physical Description

To most he looks like the typical, average human being. Garren's physical appearance while slightly muscular is nothing spectacular mirroring his mind set. Rather than use pure brute strength he has a tacticians mind when it comes to both operations and personal combat. He has no scars owing to the fact medical technology has taken away them away. Garren's eyes are full black on account of his half Betazoid heritage as well as a tattoo of an Orion girl on his left bicep with the words 'Once you go green, you never go back'


Garren is as blunt as they come as he is a firm believer of never holding back words and can sometimes be a little hotheaded . His abilities of empathy are shaky at best since he does all he can to block out other people's feelings. Around other Betazoids Garren projects what he calls "emotional chaff and flare" by literally rotating emotions to keep his true feelings hidden.

However deep down, and sometimes on the surface, he has compassion and understanding of other people's feelings despite his resistance to his natural ability. Never cruel Garren doesn't shy away from offering help, often at his own cost. Garren isn't one for pomp and ceremony either since just wants to get the job done then sleep off the effects of a mission. This results in a more casual and laid back atmosphere when off duty when he's around with other crew members. On duty he's professional, clinical and above all; lethal.

Respect and trust from him are hard earned, even more so from those who expect it from the get-go. Still he has patience for young and inexperienced crew mates, even as going as far as running training simulations with them. On the other hand he doesn't suffer fools gladly.

He is the scourge of Chief Medical Officers around Starfleet, often throwing himself into harms way all-too eagerly. Some have commented the self-destruct nature of Garren's risk taking. Even when wounded badly he refuses himself any ounce of medical attention unless sedated, ordered to by a superior officer or rendered unconscious.


+Is a strong hand to hand fighter and excellent marksman

-Can let emotions dictate his actions a little too much -Can often be too quick to use force.


Reading Earth History, Having the odd quiet drink to himself, Fencing


Hacking Marksmanship Hand to hand fighting Infiltration

Brief History

Born to the Marine Commanding and Marine Executive officer on board the USS Madrid, Garren had an interesting childhood. He spent some of his early years being schooled by the crew members of various subjects. By the time he was seven he had seen Earth for the first time. His father, Taylor, decided to take an early retirement to look after the boy while his mother, Sara, turned from leave to active duty. During the time Garren spent with his father he was taught how to defend himself in a fight while hand to hand techniques taught to Starfleet Marines when he was fifteen, and by the time that Garren was seventeen he had already received a large amount of the basic training taught.

However it was not all bliss as Taylor was called away to fight against an old threat that had been decimating the Federation for years now, the Borg, as numbers in Starfleet had dropped to an all time low due to casualties. Using his contacts at Starfleet Command he was able to keep Garren from being conscripted, however just under a month when he had left, Garren signed up for the Starfleet Marine Corps despite his father's attempts to protect him. While Garren had only been able to fight just under two years of the war that was enough to call him a veteran since he saw first hand the real horrors of war.

When the war had ended and the Marine Corps transformed itself into the Federation Mobile Infantry Garren spent most of his time on leave drinking and spending some time with the ladies. During one night he saw a Captain being a little too heavy handed with a civilian woman and being the gentleman Garren intervened by fist. Of course the reports against a junior officer and a captain were no competition at all and Garren found himself staring at discharge. Unless...he accepted a place on the USS Phoenix.


Father: Lieutenant Colonel Taylor Sashenka Lucas-USS Victory, status unknown

Mother: Marine Captain Sara Lucas- USS Madrid, status unknown

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