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"So, Steve remind me again why we're unloading the dilithium here on the planet instead of simply beaming it,"
"I told you already Jalyn, we have to avoid the odd Federation patrol out here because our clientele can't afford to have a run-in with a cutter. Their bosses in the Syndicate would be most unhappy. Is the auto-launch timer set?"
"I set the damn timer, Steve, stop worrying,
    —Jalyn and Steve, mere moments before the former's death

Jalyn was an Andorian freelancer in the early 25th century whom worked for a client whom had Orion Syndicate connections along with his "partner", Steve.

In 2405, Jalyn and Steve landed upon Talos to manually deliver a shipment of dilithium to the surface. The former of the two slain after his throat was gouged out by a territorial Aegis during the latter's warning to leave his hunting grounds, believing them both a threat. (STS: A Hog Killin' Time).

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