A Hog Killin' Time

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Name: A Hog Killin' Time
Series: Star Trek: SS Starlight
Season: Season 1
Year: 2405
Previous: N/A
Next: Lick and a Promise
"After we hit my home port and refuel. We'll be heading out on that little job I offered to both of ya. You figure you both are still up to a little nefarious dealings?"
    —Unnamed associate to Bryan Davies

The crew of the S.S Starlight takes on the assignment to "liberate" a cache of Dilithium crystals from the forbidden Talos Star Group.




NOTE: May contain spoilers!

Act I (Page 1 - 3)


The S.S Starlight reportedly heads to Omicron Theta upon the opening of the episode.

Bryan Davies, in the presence of several associates, contacted his mother on Omicron Theta, a fact that earnt him a sarcastic quip from Irish during his serving of Ng Ka Py to his guests. Eventually that were joined by Sitarra, whom seemed intent on "keeping an eye on the captain", and were offered a job by one of the unknown guests.

During this transmission, it is discovered that Davies has a poor relationship with his father, whom he only referred to him as Him and that Davies has some similarities to the same person.

The job that had been offered them was a "raid" of sorts upon the planet of Talos, Davies later pulled out an item from a hidden compartment, suspended within a forcefield, the item becoming revealed as dilithium. A fuel source either destroyed or mind by either the Borg or the Federation in either the Alpha or Beta Quadrant.

Inspite of the agreement of his crew, various questions rise about the Talosians and the General Order that was attributed to the Talos Star Group. This is later exacerbated via the arrival of R'ro, with questions of the Captain's sanity.

A plan from Davies arises about the acquisition of a cloaking device for the Starlight, in the aftermath of which Davies began to contemplate whether the morality of his newfound crew would be a hindrance upon the completion of his mission.


Scene opens with Aegis McIsh on the hunt for a Hrrathga through the wilds of Talos, the young Caitain lamenting on the concept of there being two sorts of creatures, one hunter and the other prey and that were he to fail in this hunt, he it would be many days before he could gain another opportunity to eat.

Pouncing upon and slaying his prey, Aegis began to consume, or rather gorge, the creature that he had slain. Several hours would pass after this, with Aegis having consumed all that was physically possible before standing and glimpsing down at his mutilated prey. The Caitain is then buffeted with memories of a Borg assimilation.

An assimilation which featured many of his siblings becoming drones alongside members of the freighter crew. Aegis is reminded of fighting "tooth, tail and claw" to escape and deliver retribution for the act. Further memories rise, of Aegis being considered "not worthy of assimilation" by the Queen of this particular group of Borg and of being disposed of upon Talos as the last surviving member of his family.

It is learnt at this time that the family of Aegis was travelling to Trill to reside with his mother's parents while his own parents along with the older kits, had remained behind on Atlantis in a show of support and strength.

Aegis then laments that following this time, he had become more savage and hunter orientated, his Caitain heritage having drowned out the Trill heritage that formed part of him. It is then that, Aegis, overwhelmed by his memories, attempts to remove the images by physically beating at his own head. The strikes causing some wounds to open upon his head before fleeing from the animal that had caused the sudden lapse into memory and scaling towards a tree to drop into an unsteady sleep.


Sitarra takes the seat that she had been asked to take on the Command Deck, working with the controls and lamenting on her lack of awe at the technology that greeted her and later ponders on the possibility gaining her two disruptors as the SS Starlight proceeds to make it's landing upon Omicron Theta.

Davies chillingly laments on a "slight accident" during a landing once, with the window of the craft superheating and the old pilot becoming sucked out of the vessel. Irish seemingly retorting that the shields would protect them, Davies later warning Sitarra of an alarm as the vessel descends into the atmosphere of the planet.

Davies attempts to reassure Sitarra of her skill at landing the vessel before a part of the craft came loose, Davies reassures Sitarra that the component wasn't required for the vessel to land... he hoped.


Following a fitful sleep, Aegis is awoken by morning by an unusual "roar", looking up he discovers something that breathed fear into him, a massive bird that he believed would attempt to claim his territory, causing him to scramble for cover in the forest around the outskirts of the meadow.

The "massive bird" would quickly descend and it would be discovered that it was truly a starship that had landed, unloading two bipedal humanoids. Aegis would observe the two humanoids unloading "strange looking rectangular rocks that were very shiny", considering them both a threat to his hunting ground, the Caitain approached the two in a creep, listening to the conversatio nbetween the two.

One of the men made a reference to a Steve as his counterpart, asking said counterpart why they were unloading the dilithium manually instead of transporting. Steve invariably referred to his associated as Jalyn, stating that they were required to avoid Federation patrols and that their clientele could not afford a run-in with a cutter, adding that their leaders in the Syndicate would be most displeased before asking about the set of a auto-timer. A question which only earns "Steve" an angered response.

During this time, Aegis crept closer and closer to the "invaders", discovering that both were alone. The Caitain eventually pouncing upon the one called Jalyn, warning the new arrivals to leave his hunting grounds and eventually killing Jalyn. In response, Steven attempted to fire upon Aegis with a Type I phaser.

However, Steve would be slain in short order, the jaws of Aegis crushing his windpipe and larynx but not before Aegis was struck in the thigh by the weapon at medium stun. Enraged, Aegis snapped his victim's neck with a vicious jerk of his head. Surveying the damage to his thigh, he would find a "shiny" mark upon his thigh where the impact had taken place and the fur burnt away.

On instinct, Aegis attempted to feed upon his victim, finding them inedible and spiting out the piece soon after. Curious, Aegis would later inspect the "rocks" and open them, finding a crateful of dilithium which he proceeded to taste and sniff it. Finding no reaction though, he lost both his temper and patience in short order and threw the rock aside and proceeded to limp away.

S.S Sorat

Captain Sonat, investigated a derelict craft that had apparently "been gutted" and it's crew mutilated. The shipmaster later lamenting that he had never in all of his one-hundred years as a commander encountered what the salvage crew had happened upon.

Sonat later makes a notation in the ship's log and fills him a report for the Vulcan Civilian Transport Authority to warn other vessels departing Vulcan of the potential threat. Yet just as he proceeded to send his report, a shadow fell over the Vulcan as he was greeted with a sight that haunted the dreams of those within the Alpha and Beta Quadrants.

Act II (Page 4 - 6)

Talos (Becca and Aegis scene)

Act III (Page 7 - 9)

Act IV (Page 10 - 11)

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