Kerok Nor

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Kerok Nor
Kerok Nor was the designation given to a Cardassian station in the Tivla system of Cardassian Space, 46 light years from the Bajor system


None Available Before the following Starfleet Mission Report:

In response to the agreement signed between the Federation and the newly reformed Caitian government relating to reopening trade routes, the USS Phoenix was dispatched to uncharted Cardassian space to find and retrieve Kerok Nor and tow it to Cait for use in the planet's rebuilding efforts. After the crew of the Phoenix successfully secured the malfunctioning and outdated station, it was towed to and placed in orbit of Cait where the new Caitian military began to repair and upgrade it with the intent of using it as their central orbital facility and military staging point for system defense.


Category: Deep Space Starbase Expected Duration: 100 years Time Between Re-Supply: 5 years Time Between Refit: 10 years

Personnel: Officers: 150 Enlisted crew: 500 Passengers: 100-400

Docking Facilities: Six Large Sail Towers Six Landing Pads Twelve Docking Ports

Weaponry: 6 Sail Towers each containing: 2 Rotary Weapon Systems mounting 3 Type VI Plasma beam arrays and 3 Rapid fire plasma torpedo tubes 1 Fixed Weapon Emplacement mounting 1 Type VI Plasma beam array + 1 Rapid fire plasma torpedo tube

10 fixed pods: 7 with 1 Type VII Plasma beam array and 1 Rapid fire plasma torpedo tube 3 with 1 Type VII Plasma beam array and 1 Rapid fire plasma torpedo tube

Defense: Cardassian Duranium Armour Type V

High Capacity Multi Layered Shield System
Duranium / Tritanium Double Hull

High Level Structural Integrity Field

Dimensions: Height: 969.25 meters Diameter: 1451.8 meters Decks: 260 overall; 98 excluding docking pylons

Additional Information: Currently, there are estimated to be upwards of 10 abandoned Nor Class stations in former Cardassian space

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