Sally Winree

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Commander Sally Winree was a Starfleet officer who served behind the lines during most of the Borg War as a computer systems specialist. During the early years of the war, she mainly worked on integrating the operating systems of the different kinds of ships used in the allied fleet to facilitate better command and control functions during battle. She was credited with several ingenious software patches during this period. In 2386 she transferred to an computer warfare specialist program and began working on ways to protect allied computer systems from Borg manipulation, as well as writing self-evolving viruses to be injected into Borg computer systems. She is a recognized expert in the field of computer warfare.

During the Battle of Sol, she volunteered for the hazardous duty of attempting to hack Borg computers remotely from a cloaked Romulan scout. Seven other such ships operated in support of major fleet actions; five of them were lost with all hands aboard. For her actions she was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross.

In 2393, she requested and was granted an extended leave of absence from Starfleet. She still officially holds the rank of Commander, but she has not reported for duty in almost seven years as of March 2404.

She has one daughter, Aleeta Winree, born in 2382.

She is physically unremarkable, standing at average height with blond hair of varying length. Her one distinctive feature is a pair of vividly blue prosthetic eyes.

NOTE: Important information about this character that is known to players, but unknown to thier characters is contained within this article's talk page.

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