User:Oook/Sandbox/Jack Valentine

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Jack Valentine
Jack Valentine in 2406
Species: Human
Homeworld: Yeats' Rise III
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Gender: Male
Born: Unknown
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 179 lbs
Affiliation: Independent
Assignment: SS Starlight
Position: 'Procurement Officer'
First Appearence: Reborn
Player: Cath
Status: Pending

Jack Valentine is a crewmember on board the SS Starlight whose speciality is the diplomatically named 'acquisitions'. As a competent negotiator, skilled at bypassing security systems and adept at sleights of hand, those who know him well would label him as nothing more than a thief - a capable one, but a thief nevertheless.


Not much of the past of Jack Valentine is particularly well known, and all that has been recorded, in these days where centralised computer databases which are actually accurate are incredibly rare, is that information which he has volunteered.

He claims to be a native of Yeats' Rise, mid-22nd century Earth colonies dotted across a star system blessed with multiple life-supporting, if slightly sparse, worlds. They are known to be a little backwater and to have very much embraced the notion of 'the frontier' throughout their existence. With such little strategic importance and being sufficiently close to Earth, they were all but ignored during the Borg War, and are suffering from still being ignored by the Federation afterwards. The people of the various worlds of Yeats' Rise tend to be a little folksy and straightforward, strong on being self-sufficient and descended from humans who wanted a little bit more independence than they were perhaps granted on Earth. His accent and mannerisms support this claim.

How Valentine went from being a rancher to a small-time crook... you'd have to ask him. He's alluded to all kinds of heists over the years, most of which took place during the war and it is thus impossible to prove or disprove if he stole something from a world that's not there any more. However, if he isn't a good thief, then he is certainly a very good storyteller with a good eye for details, as all of the tales sound plausible, if sometimes ambitious.

After the war, there are absolutely no official records available that are connected to Valentine or anyone matching his description. Similarly, he claims to have found himself trapped in a small pocket of the Outcast Rim behind Borg lines just before the conflict officially ended; that word of the war's conclusion didn't reach him until at least 2401, and that by then he was fairly well settled in the sector.

It is believed that he worked for a crime boss in the Angelus System for several years; exactly what his responsibilities were is somewhat unclear, and exactly why he left this employment is entirely unknown. All, in fact, that is known for certain about Jack Valentine is that when he turned up and joined the crew of the Starlight, he was a lone operator with no backing and very few accessible resources.

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