Zearing Pierce

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Zearing Trevellian Pierce
Zearing Pierce, circa 2407 (age 61)



Luna, Earth














208 lbs.


Federation Mobile Infantry


USS Phoenix, New Orleans Class


Chief Security/Tactical


Marine Captain



First Mentioned:

Special Delivery

First Appearence:

Special Delivery

Lt. Colonel Pierce on the Nautilus (NCC-67791-A). Circa 2384
[ Source ]


Extended Information

Place of Birth: New Berlin, Luna (Earth)
Physical Description: Zearing exudes an appearance of your typical marine. Muscular, but not so muscular that it would look silly. Although he is a marine, he has somewhat longer hair than a marine. No buzz cut.


English, Klingon, Italian, Sicilian, Some German


Zearing's family comes from the western part of England around Liverpool. Around the mid 2200s, the whole Pierce family moved to Earth's moon, Luna. Zearing's grandfather was a contractor, and managed to get bargin prices for all the family. Only a few of Zearing's family remain on Earth. His mother's side still resides in Sicily and New York City on Earth.

Zearing, or Z as he is known to his friends, was born on Luna in 2346. In 2355, when he was nine years old, he went on vacation on the outer rim with his older brother. His ship was attacked by Orion pirates, most of the survivors were killed or taken as prisoner. His brother was killed, but Z was taken and lived a life of slavery for thirteen years.

Marine Captain Pierce on the Nautilus (NCC-67791).

It was then in 2368, when he was forsaken by his captors as they were be driven out of their base. Z Was picked up by the USS Stromburg, and was taken to a nearby star base for a psychological examination and counseling.

Z remained there for two months and then went back to Luna to stay with his parents for a while. Z however had a feeling that justice had not been done to his captors, and he convinced his parents that he wanted to become a Starfleet Marine. Z left for San Francisco on Earth and began training. Z did well in most of his subjects, however warp matrices were not Z's forte. After graduating from the academy, Z then went to the Quantico system, which is the SFMC's main training facility. There he graduated with top marks from the SFMC War College, School of Advanced Warfighting, and Command & Staff College.

After becoming an officer through command college, Z was assigned to Starbase 33 as Marine XO. He served there for four years until 2384, when he was promoted to captain and offered to command a marine detatchment onboard the USS Nautilus. Z couldn't have accepted sooner, starbase life was making him stir-crazy. He had to get out where the action was. Into deep space. He was granted that in late 2383 by being assigned to the Akira class, USS Nautilus as Marine Commanding officer. In 2383, after participating in a dangerous excursion against the Sirrians, Zearing was promoted to Major. After the death of the first officer, Z was also promoted to first officer of the Nautilus.

Major Pierce on the Nautilus (NCC-67791).

In 2384, the USS Nautilus engaged a Dyson Sphere along with a small fleet of Orion pirate ships. This is also when Zearing discovered that his brother was not dead. In fact, when Z was sent off to slavery he was told his brother was killed when instead his brother was sold as a slave as well. His brother was sold to a pirate captain who had him be his personal slave. After years of torment James killed the captain of the Orion ship. As is customary with the Orions, when the captain of a ship is killed, the killer becomes the captain and takes the captain's name. James became Sir'al. The two brothers finally confronted eachother half way into the battle with the Dyson Sphere. While on board a hidden Orion ship, Z fought and eventually defeated his brother. James is currently serving a heavy sentence at the Ares Penitentiary on Mars.

Since secondary hull was destroyed in the battle with the Dyson Sphere, Starfleet decided to give the Nautilus crew a new ship that carried the name Nautilus. They were all moved to the bigger Excalibur class USS Nautilus-A. Z retained his position as Marine CO and Executive officer.

As with everyone in Starfleet the recent invasion by the Borg troubled Zearing. Shortly after the Battle of Ferenginar, the Nautilus was one of the many ships that in 2385 was stripped of non-essential systems and outfitted for purely military purposes. Zearing was offered command of a starship but declined. Starfleet tried to order him to leave, but Zearing threatened to resign his commission. He remained as first officer, participating in an astonishing amount of battles all the way until the battle of Alpha Centauri in 2397.

The Nautilus was sent into a decaying orbit and crashed on Alpha Centauri Prime, in a mountain range in the amazonian area of the planet. Once he and some of the crew regained their consciousness, it was discovered that half the crew
Zearing Pierce, circa 2390
had been infected by a leak from the medical containment systems. The captain of the Nautilus had been killed in the crash, so Zearing was faced with a difficult decision. Either risk the remaining crew's health, or kill all the people below deck 12. Seeing no other option, Zearing evacuated the areas that were unaffected and still protected by what little power the ship could dish out. He programmed the ship's torpedo bay to self destruct and then left with the remains of the Nautilus crew as they watched their friends, loved ones, family blown up in a display of fireworks.

Years went by without hearing any word from Starfleet. Assuming the worst, Pierce and the remaining crew formed a small village where they lived until finally receiving word from Starfleet in 2405. They were shocked to hear that a great deal of the Federation had been assimilated with the exception of Earth and a few other key systems. They left the planet just in time before the system was declared off-limits later that year.

The Nautilus crew mostly retired and returned to Earth, but Zearing couldn't abandon what he loved so much. Even though he was almost 60, he was sure Starfleet would still allow him to join Starfleet in some capacity. The way he saw it, they could use all the help they could get.

After he was saved, Zearing joined the Federation Mobile Infantry. After two years of training, Zearing was given the rank of Marine Captain. He was not upset at this at all for all he wanted to do was serve. To Zearing, his life was rendered useless that day in 2397 when he ordered the death of almost half the crew of the Nautilus.

Personality & Traits

  • General Overview
    • Since Z went back home after being with the Orions, he had always kept to himself. Z only has close friends. He doesn't have any other type of friends. It's either friend, or not to Z. Although he can be sociable around his close friends, around others it's as if he wasn't even there. He is not one to make friends, since he has had so few in his life. All the friends from his youth had all but forgotten him. At the academy, Z preferred to keep to himself, although he occasionally associated himself with a few groups of marines.

After the conflicts with the Borg, Zearing became even more secluded. Having put so many people to death to preserve the remaining Nautilus crew, his personality is very withdrawn and depressed.

  • Strengths & Weaknesses
    • Z has several strengths, due to marine training. He can quickly assess a situation and act intelligently and decisively. Z is also extremely well versed in almost every form of combat, from hand to hand to firing quantum torpedoes. Z has few weaknesses since he is a marine, but he does a few. He can sometimes portray a feeling of not being interested. He has a temper, but usually has it under control, controlled so that one might not know that he has a temper.

Although Zearing is in his 60s, due to advances in medicine, Zearing is as healthy as he was in his thirties.

  • Hobbies & Interests
    • Z is a big fan of Bat'leth combat, participating in the Klingon Bat'leth Championships on Quo'nos before the war recieving first place twice in a row.

Service Record

  • 2368-2372 Starfleet Academy
  • 2372-2374 Marine Training
  • 2374-2376 SFMC War College
  • 2376-2378 School of Advanced Warfighting
  • 2378-2380 Marine Command College
  • 2380-2383 Marine XO, Starbase 33
  • 2383-2384 Marine CO and First Officer, USS Nautilus
  • 2384-2397 Marine CO and First Officer, USS Nautilus-A
  • 2397-2405 Resident On Alpha Centauri, Isolated from the rest of the planet.
  • 2405-2407 Re-familiarization with Starfleet technology and joining the FMI


The Charisma Award - Bravo Fleet's HoH : Awarded 4/12/09

Executive Officer of The Year Award - Awarded: April 26,2009

Sim Support Citation Award - Awarded:May 14, 2009


  • Father: Trevellian James Pierce
  • Mother: Elizabetha Lucania
  • Brother: James (Formerly Sir'al of the Orion Pirates) (incarcerated)
  • Cousin: Lt. Commander Walcott Pierce- CO of the USS Achilles, Jack Pierce - At one time worked on Arcturus in a casino and eventually left to persue his own intrests. Both killed after invasion of the Borg.


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