Bryan Horlocker

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(New page: {{Starfighter Command Character |image=Image:Horlocker.jpg |name=Bryan Horlocker |Homeworld=Earth |Species=Human |Gender=Male |Birth=Unknown |Height=6'2" |Weight=157 lbs. |Hair=Black |...)
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{{Starfighter Command Character
|name=Bryan Horlocker
|        text = Black
|      color = Command
|   firstname = Bryan
|    lastname = Horlocker
|      image = [[Image:Horlocker.jpg|200px]]
|     caption = Horlocker in [[2406]]
|Weight=157 lbs.
|     species = [[Human]]
|  homeworld = [[Earth]]
|   ethnicity =  
|Affiliation=[[United Federation of Planets]]
|     gender = Male
|Posting=[[Jolly Rodgers|SFS-3 Jolly Rodgers]] - [[Deep Space 5]]
|       born = Unknown
|Position=Squadron Commanding Officer
|       eyes = Hazel
|        hair = Black
|Played By=[[User:Taylor|Dan ''He's Nuts'' Taylor]]
|      height = 6'2"
|     weight = 157 lbs.
| affiliation = [[United Federation of Planets]]
| assignment = [[Deep Space Five]]
|   position = Commanding Officer
|       rank = Captain
|    insignia = [[Image:R-o6.png]]
|firstmention =
| firstappear =
|  lastappear =
|      player = [[User:Taylor|Dan ''He's Nuts'' Taylor]]
|      status = Active
|    status2 =
|        im2 =
|    caption2 =
''Bryan Horlocker'' was the Squadron Commanding Officer of SFS-3 ''Jolly Rogers'' between 2403 and 2406.
''Bryan Horlocker'' is the Commanding Officer of [[Deep Space Five]] in the [[Algedi System]] he is also in command of [[USS Voyager - A]].
== Early History ==
== Early History ==
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The ''[[Jolly Rogers]]'' continued to patrol Sol until early 2406 when the entire Squadron was re-tasked and sent to Deep Space Five to serve the [[Second Fleet]] as the first of three squadrons due to be assigned to the fleet over the next two years.
The ''[[Jolly Rogers]]'' continued to patrol Sol until early 2406 when the entire Squadron was re-tasked and sent to Deep Space Five to serve the [[Second Fleet]] as the first of three squadrons due to be assigned to the fleet over the next two years.
== Track Change ==
In 2407 Bryan’s fighter was involved in a collision which put him out of the cock pit for good his left leg and back were shattered; despite modern medical care being able to repair his body Bryan knew that he would never reach the level of skill he had in the cock pit previously. His combat flight status revoked Bryan found himself facing the rest of his career behind a desk something he found entirely distasteful. Caught between a rock and a hard place between his medical state and his wish to serve Bryan resigned his commission
Not wanting to loose Bryan from the fleet he was offered the chance to move out of Star Fighter Command and in to Star Fleet Command to train as a Star Ship Captain. It took Bryan all of three seconds to agree to the swap, even commanding a fat lady would be better than walking out in to the Universe as a civilian. In late 2407 Bryan returned to Sol for a 6 month intensive command course.
Bryan graduated in 2408 to temporary command of USS Stalh his mission to patrol the area around Sol, only three days in to the mission Star Fleet Command lost contact with the Stahl after three months of searching USS Stalh was officially declared missing in action.
Nearly two years later Bryan re-appeared outside the Sol sector aboard USS Voyager - A with an incredible story of a future far worse than anything imaginable. Having lived through 5 years in another time stream has seen Bryan rise from a Lieutenant Commander up to the rank of Captain. After his return Bryan spent many weeks explaining the events he had witnessed to Fleet Admiral Taylor and laid out his plan to avoid the same fate befalling the Federation in this time line. Initially the Fleet Admiral was skeptical about allowing Bryan free reign to try to avoid something that may not even occur, however after events Bryan had described began occurring around the Algedi system the orders were cut for Bryan to assume command of Deep Space Five.
Officially Bryan’s record records him as being MIA for the past two years, no official record of the temporal event he encountered exist.
[[Category:Characters|Horlocker, Bryan]]
[[Category:Star Trek: Deep Space Five|Horlocker, Bryan]]

Latest revision as of 22:14, 12 September 2011

Bryan Horlocker
Horlocker in 2406















157 lbs.


United Federation of Planets


Deep Space Five


Commanding Officer






Dan He's Nuts Taylor



[ Source ]

Bryan Horlocker is the Commanding Officer of Deep Space Five in the Algedi System he is also in command of USS Voyager - A.


Early History

The fact Bryan never knew his mother or father has been a constant chip on his shoulder which has shaped Bryan's whole life from the age of 10 when he became aware of the gap in his life left by the absence of family. 10 years old was far too young for anyone to begin wrestling with thoughts so deep, all around him he saw other people having a semi normal life - even those who's families where ravaged by wars and disasters appeared to be having a better life than he did.

Bryan did the only thing he could in order to exert the control he felt he needed over his life, he threw himself in to his schooling and quickly rose to the top of his classes. Whilst he felt better for having done this he didn't see how his increased studies affected other parts of his life, all the time he spent working caused his already lacking social skills to atrophy to the point where he found it so difficult interact with others that he became almost completely introverted.

As Bryan grew up many people in his life attempted to bring him out of his shell nothing they tried worked, were it not for Starfleet's relaxed recruiting rules during the war it would have been almost impossible for Bryan to join the fleet with his emotional state. However in 2388 Bryan was successful in his application to attend Starfleet Academy.

Star Fleet

Joining Starfleet was probably the best thing that could have happened to Bryan it gave him an outlet for his knowledge, his originally plan was to join Starfleet as an Engineer that was scuppered during his initial orientation when Starfleet Academy discovered Bryan's piloting ability. Without further discussion Bryan was assigned to a Star Fighter training which left him torn between his own personal love of engineering and technology and Starfleet’s need to recruit new pilots to fill the ever diminishing cadre of pilots with which the Federation was fighting the Borg.

Bryan's issues with his placement were dealt with a few weeks in to his training after encountering one Doctor Jacob Thatcher a man who promised Bryan the world serving as a test pilot if he could complete his training and undertake one tour of duty in space, whilst Bryan consciously ignored the mans delusional rants Thatcher’s words obviously placated his subconscious as Bryan got down to the serious task of training. A task he took to heart, despite his introverted nature Bryan had also developed a rather healthy ego - at school that manifested itself as a wish to be top of the class and the academy that became no different.

Bryan spent many days and nights locked away working on his theoretical studies or using the simulators on base trying to increase his already high scores across the board, again without realising it Bryan pushed those around him away with his actions making them all feel he felt he was better than they were. The reality was quite different being better than everyone else was the only way Bryan could measure his own self worth, in his mind it was never a reflection on anyone else it was always a reflection on himself.

In two short years Ensign Bryan Horlocker was out amongst the stars as part of Dark Knights squadron, again he felt as though he was an outsider. His reputation had preceded his arrival he was heralded as both a brilliant pilot and a complete and utter shit. Bryan spent 3 years in space between 2390 and 2393 before being reassigned to Utopia Planitia at the request of Doctor Thatcher who had finally come through on his promise to make Bryan a test pilot.

Testing for a mad man

Doctor Jacob Thatcher had long since grown a reputation of his own as little more than a mad scientist, his request to remove Bryan from active duty was hastily approved by his superiors who felt that he was little more than a troublesome influence on the squadron given his inability to gel with other members of the squadron outside of the cockpit.

Bryan's first task was flying a shuttle which had been specially refitted with a QSD as part of Thatcher's continued experimentation with the technology, a lot of Bryan's flight time was spent recording data by dropping in and out of a slipstream.

His time working for Doctor Thatcher mellowed his outlook, over the next 5 years he began to learn how to deal with people a skill which would go on to serve him in the future after the war.

In 2398 Bryan transitioned to active duty once again in time for the final battle in Sol, this time as a Lieutenant in charge of his own flight within theJolly Rogers Squadron. Despite living through the battle himself Bryan watched almost everyone else in the squadron die in the opening minutes only he and his wingman survived due to pure dumb luck rather than skill after being ordered out to investigate some sensor disturbances. Being far enough away to avoid the first Borg attack and the Federation's own retaliation with sub space weapons meant that the two remaining members of the Jolly Rogers spent the rest of the battle engaging smaller craft and assisting with strafing runs on bigger capital ships until the pair were given orders to regroup around Sol with two other decimated squadrons in a last ditch effort to protect the planet.

In the years following the war both Horlocker and Archer spent their time with the remainder of the 113th Flying Fists, immediately after joining up Archer was promoted to two flight leader, leaving Bryan in command of the squadrons three flight. In under two years Archer became the Squadron's Executive Officer much to Bryan's annoyance, it would be several years before Bryan would admit that the better man got the job.

Star Fighter Command

When the Star Fighter Corps were re-organised in to Star Fighter Command in 2403 Bryan was picked to head up one of the newer training squadrons, during his time with the Fists he had endeavoured to train his flight as best he could to ensure they wouldn't screw up and get him killed whilst out on a sortie. This less than selfless endeavour was miss understood by Star Fighter Command who assumed he had an altruistic desire to help his fellow officers stay alive.

Along with command of SFS-3 Jolly Rogers Bryan also received a promotion to the Star Fleet Command rank of Commander given his colourful past Bryan was warned by General Staffson not to expect another promotion in his lifetime, in fact he went as far as to suggest Bryan would need divine assistance to even hope of reaching the heady heights of Major - he was simply being given command because he was the only person suitable for the role.

After a year of qualifications with his newly minted squadron SFS-3 was promoted to active duty patrolling Sol along with the other squadrons within Alpha Wing. Star Fighter Command's original plan to move Bryan to a new training squadron were shelved after it became apparent that whilst he possessed the ability to teach people how to fly he lacked the will to do so, instead preferring to simply fire those who don't meet his standards after minimal in squadron training.

The Jolly Rogers continued to patrol Sol until early 2406 when the entire Squadron was re-tasked and sent to Deep Space Five to serve the Second Fleet as the first of three squadrons due to be assigned to the fleet over the next two years.

Track Change

In 2407 Bryan’s fighter was involved in a collision which put him out of the cock pit for good his left leg and back were shattered; despite modern medical care being able to repair his body Bryan knew that he would never reach the level of skill he had in the cock pit previously. His combat flight status revoked Bryan found himself facing the rest of his career behind a desk something he found entirely distasteful. Caught between a rock and a hard place between his medical state and his wish to serve Bryan resigned his commission

Not wanting to loose Bryan from the fleet he was offered the chance to move out of Star Fighter Command and in to Star Fleet Command to train as a Star Ship Captain. It took Bryan all of three seconds to agree to the swap, even commanding a fat lady would be better than walking out in to the Universe as a civilian. In late 2407 Bryan returned to Sol for a 6 month intensive command course.

Bryan graduated in 2408 to temporary command of USS Stalh his mission to patrol the area around Sol, only three days in to the mission Star Fleet Command lost contact with the Stahl after three months of searching USS Stalh was officially declared missing in action.

Nearly two years later Bryan re-appeared outside the Sol sector aboard USS Voyager - A with an incredible story of a future far worse than anything imaginable. Having lived through 5 years in another time stream has seen Bryan rise from a Lieutenant Commander up to the rank of Captain. After his return Bryan spent many weeks explaining the events he had witnessed to Fleet Admiral Taylor and laid out his plan to avoid the same fate befalling the Federation in this time line. Initially the Fleet Admiral was skeptical about allowing Bryan free reign to try to avoid something that may not even occur, however after events Bryan had described began occurring around the Algedi system the orders were cut for Bryan to assume command of Deep Space Five.

Officially Bryan’s record records him as being MIA for the past two years, no official record of the temporal event he encountered exist.

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