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Ta'pez is well known for his skills in battle, among other things he holds the Bravo Fleet Ba'tleth Tournament Award for being the most skilled betleH fighter within Bravo Fleet. He has won this award twice , securing a 3rd place at the most recent tournament where his Commander of the Guard defeated the dishonorable human who had cheated his way into the top of the tournament. Although hes appearance would not suggest anything but the a pure blooded klingon is present, Ta'pez posses strong emphatic skills that he has continued to hone as time goes on.
Ta'pez is well known for his skills in battle, among other things he holds the Bravo Fleet Ba'tleth Tournament Award for being the most skilled betleH fighter within Bravo Fleet.  
Although hes appearance would not suggest anything but the a pure blooded klingon is present, Ta'pez posses strong emphatic skills that he has continued to hone as time goes on.

Revision as of 01:48, 14 December 2006

Ta'pez, son of cheng

HOUSE House of Chang


Klingon / Betazed male

6'5 240 lbs (109)

57 (Federation years)

HAIR: brown EYES: green



Ta'pez is unremarkble by Klingon standards, massive ridges, tall and stong although apearing to be more of an athletic then v shaped figure.


Ta'pez first entered the KDF service after the Dominion war. He was fortunate to serve on the IKS meH'Haj and rise up to the post of XO. He obtained his first command on the IKS Qoj and successfully comandeered the Qoj durring the Chackilian Invasion in Klach D'kel Brakt. The Qoj was one of the few ships to survive the initial invasion and the sucessfull "liberation" from the Chackilian siege.

He was rewarded for this shortly thereafter by recieving command of the IKS meH'Haj. This new post bore great responsibility and enormous danger for a officer of his rather junior rank considering the importance of the ship he is commanding. He would spend several years commanding the ship and would find himself in command of the meH'Haj during the Borg onslaught. A few of the survivors from the battle at Klach D'kel Brakt joined the meH'Haj in helping with the evacuation of Khithomer, it was here that the meH'Haj was last seen.

Not much is known about the prewar service of the Klingon in question as a great deal of the records have been lost.


Ta'pez is fluent in several Vulcan dialects along with the Federation Standard, Romulan, and of course Klingon.


Ta'pez grew up outside the Klingon society on a secluded Vulcan planet. His only effective bond with the klingon society was his father and his batleth. Training with the blade was the only respite from the study he had and often his teachers would join him, this indeed was a challance because most vulcans are in general very tough to beat. More imprtantly the physical excersize was the only thing that he excelled and gained aproval in. He was by far too angry and uncontrolled by the high standards his Vulcan mentors held. Once Ta'pez joined the KDF his skill increased greatly, his unsual fighting forms were enchased further by practising and fighting among and against Klingons. Ta'pez is a mild telepath, this is not known to many and as such he has the oportunity to often read his oponents intentions. His skill has been already confirmed, in battle and in practice, Ta'pez is the current champion of this tournament.


Ta'pez is well known for his skills in battle, among other things he holds the Bravo Fleet Ba'tleth Tournament Award for being the most skilled betleH fighter within Bravo Fleet.

Although hes appearance would not suggest anything but the a pure blooded klingon is present, Ta'pez posses strong emphatic skills that he has continued to hone as time goes on.


Ta'pez is a cold and calculating man. Due to his skills he is very good at reading other people and compensating for that,which often makes him a good manipulator. He is at time affected by the overall feeling of those around him which often can set or break his mood. Like all cheng, he is powerhungry and and resentful at those who oppose him now because of their background or their "Honor". Recent changes have made him a bit tempered. On a recent mission he succeded in bringing an estranged housemember, T'lai once again into the fold. The frail health of his joH had made him nervous, he knew that when the Chang joH dies he would have to step up and strike down those willing to partion the house. This task came sooner then later. Ta'pez was still investigating the murder of the cheng joH while he was attending the 3rd Annual Batleth Tournament at Avalon Fleet Yards.


Although his profile has a mix of Klingon and Betazed, his outward features don't reveal that due to heavy plastic surgery that was perfomed to his face after a plasma burm. This surgery gave him a firmly klingon look.


Ta'pez enjoys cooking for himself, the art of preparing Klingon dishes is something he finds peace in. The role also ensures that his food is not tampered with. Besides cooking, there is always the blade and the way of the warrior. Ta'pez trains ferwently with anybody deemed skilled enough to challange him. He can be found in practise often, the meH'Haj weHwI' serve as oponents, teachers and students.


Ta'pez 'ech is the late lord of the House of Chang. Not much is known about his background. During the meH'Haj rememberance dinner at the 3rd Annual Batleth Tournament, Ta'pez acknowledged his Betazed history and that of his biological Father, Tarath, a well known mercenary arms trader.

Ta'pez was born somewhere in Federation space onboard of his father who was a known arms dealer and a wanted man in many corners of the Quadrant. Ta'pez claimed not remember much of his family, his mother died shortly after giving birth to him and is very much a mistery to him since his father left no records and the only heritage he has are her betazed emphatic skills. Due to his association with the House of Chang he was said to be profoundly affected by the reactions of others in regards to this.

The House of cheng, a major house within the Klingon Empire claims a lineage into the Dark time of Tyrants. After the Fall of the Empire the survivors among this house concentrated on shipbuilding, a major stakeholder in the Klingon Yards next to Utopia Planetia they have grown powerfull and prominent among the Sol Klingons. However the most renowned of their pre fall House members was General Chang, chief of Staff to Chancellor Gorkon, emperor of the Klingons during the Era of legendary Captain Kirk.

After the destruction of the Praxis, the major moon of the Klingon Homeworld, Chancellor Gorkon realized there was no choice, his people had to achieve peace with the Federation or Qo'noS was doomed.

Military High Command was not capable of peace, only war. Gorkon secured the support of the noble houses, but a large portion of the military opposed his plans.

A faction of military renegades engineered Gorkon's assassination on the eve of his meeting with the Federation to ensure war, but their plot was exposed and the ringleader, General Chang, killed in battle by Kirk before he could be brought to Klingon Justice.

Gorkon's daughter Azetbur assumed control of the High Command to carry out her father's wishes. The Klingon Empire and the United Federation of Planets signed the Khitomer Accords shortly thereafter.

Since the Khitomer Accords the fate of the House that General Chang led was marked with notoriety, although the House avoided destruction at the hands of the High Council through skill full diplomacy (The House of Chang is a shadow of former self because it gave three fourths of its possessions as bribes to the Houses that were in the High Council to insure the survival of the House. Although it was never proven that the other members of the House were involved, many Klingons consider the House of Chang's Honor tainted because of the well publicized actions of the joH.

After the Dominion war the House came out its isolation and started to engage the political world. This has been marked by the entry of many House of Chang members into the Klingon Defense Force.

Afte the fall of the empire, the fortunes of the house grew, with its strangle hold on klingon shipbuilding and maintenance the house became an important wielder of power, both political and economic among the klingons.

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