USS Warhawk

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*Commander [[Johnathan Marshall-Bennet]] - Commanding Officer
*Commander [[Johnathan Marshall-Bennet]] - Commanding Officer
*Lieutenant [[K’mdik]] - Executive Officer & Tactical Officer
*Lieutenant [[K’mdik]] - Executive Officer & Tactical Officer
*Ensign Meegen Ravax (now known as [[Meegen Donrav]]) - Chief Science Officer
[[Category:Starships|Warhawk, USS]]
[[Category:Starships|Warhawk, USS]]
[[Category:Destroyed ships|Warhawk, USS]]
[[Category:Destroyed ships|Warhawk, USS]]

Revision as of 05:45, 19 February 2006

The USS Warhawk NCC 90028 was a Defiant Class starship and was launched on 21st June 2402. The ship was originally under the command of Lieutenant Commander Andrus Hagan and assigned to escort small conveys of freighters within the Alpha Centauri system. The ship was later giving a new crew and command staff at the start of 2403. The ship's new skipper, Johnathan Marshall-Bennet took the Warhawk to Deep Space One to further assist in the station and Ba'ku's defence.

On November 12th 2403 the ship was destroyed by a small Klingon armada. The crew was rescued before its destruction by the USS Enterprise-F.


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