User:MJ/My sandbox/Arc’kerians

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(New page: The '''Arck'kerians''' (''pronounced Ark-kerians'') are a humanoid race who achieved warp technology in 2381. Their race is a peaceful one after some dramatic changes in technological achi...)

Latest revision as of 18:22, 12 December 2007

The Arck'kerians (pronounced Ark-kerians) are a humanoid race who achieved warp technology in 2381. Their race is a peaceful one after some dramatic changes in technological achievement and beliefs. The Arc’kerians in their early history used to be quite a violent race; their society was built up honour and respect, similar in some ways to Andorian culture. However when they achieved warp technology in 2381 it altered their perspective on the universe around them as they finally realised they were part of a larger galactic community.



Arc’kerians, like most Humanoids are bilaterally symmetrical bipeds who are descended from primates. Arc’kerians are a warm blooded species who only live for forty Terran years and in some cases fifty. Their skin colour varies among different racial diversities but they are tall, strong and have empathic abilities. They have four lungs, two hearts, two kidneys and a high metabolism. They are a resilient species that can survive on one lung, one heart and one kidney. They can go days without water and weeks without food due to their bodies’ ability to conserve water and live off stored fat respectively. Their bodies’ efficient temperature regulation allows them to survive in cold and hot temperatures, although they are used to warmer climates due to their sun and the proximity of the home world (it being the closest planet). Their enhanced respiration system means they are one the fittest races in the Alpha Quadrant.

However it is in the different genders that make them unique.

Arc’kerian women all have light brown hair and pure black eyes. Only when they reach the age of twenty five one stream of their hair goes grey. This is due to their “maturity bond” when the women are in their last years to mate. The female population of Archerian society are based in more vital roles to running the planet, this being teachers, lawyers, doctors, politicians, serving the armed forces, etc.

Arc’kerian men all have dark sandy blonde hair and blue-green eyes. By the age of sixteen (terran) years most male Arc’kerian males are stronger in strength and fitter then the women. The men are the ones who become pregnant when Arc’kerians conceive. The male muscular system is much stronger then the females, so the infant develops within the men’s own womb. However when it is time to give birth, the infant will gradually move in to a sack where it will depart from the father’s body. The fathers shall always share a special bond with their children, even more so between a father and son. The male population of Arc’kerian society is more reclusive as the men are seen as the ones to look after their families and raise the children.

Society & Religious Beliefs

The society may seem that women are more dominant and the men are unequal to the women, however this is not true. Arc’kerian society is based on equality and non prejudice. Arc’kerian beliefs are founded on the myth that many thousands of years ago their ancestors were visited by their ‘Protectors’ who taught them to treat each other fairly.

The Arc’kerians are very liberal when it comes down to their beliefs, as they accept anyone what ever their gender, age, race or sexuality.

When an Arc’kerian reaches the age of sixteen (terran) years they are perceived as adults and are allowed to get married and have children. Arc’kerians enter their own form of puberty (called “Priming”) during the ages of nine and fifteen. Arc’kerian children are taught to keep an open mind on everything they perceive and not to prejudge. If an Arc’kerian reaches above the age of forty they are made a “Respected Elder” and if they reach and pass the age of fifty they are made an “Honouree Elder”. Those who go beyond the typical age expectations have their names written down in Arc’kerian history.

Arc’kerian only have four different racial diversity in their race. With only having one large continent the colour of any Arc’kerian skin can deviate. A typical Arc’kerian from the Northern and Southern regions are paler due to them being close to the planet’s two poles. Typical Arc’kerian from central regions of the planet have a darker skin complexity. This can vary due to where they live as the central regions are mixed habitats of desserts, rain forests and jungles. The closer to the equator of the planet, the darker an inhabitant’s skin is.

Arc’kerian sexuality is not openly discussed but it is also not shunned. Two Arc’kerian men (or women) can legally marry each other and have children just like one Arc’kerian man and woman can. In Arc’kerian weddings there can only be two partners in the marriage. Traditional Arc’kerian marriages between a man and woman has the man pronounces his loyalty and obedience to his wife. An Arc’kerian marriage between two people of the same sex normally has the youngest partner pronounce their loyalty and obedience to their partners. These are not common practices in modern Arc’kerian marriages as many traditions are seen as ‘antiquated’.

Only in the past four hundred years has war existed for these people. They haven’t forgotten their beliefs and values, but the reason behind the amount of conflict was down to the two country states that exist on their planet and how quickly the two states developed their own technology.


First Contact with United Federation of Planets

Like Humans, the Arc’kerians achieved faster then light speeds after a horrific global war where millions of their population were left dead. With help from the Federation, after first contact in 2382 they started to rebuild. Like humanity the Arc’kerians wiped out war, hunger and most diseases in two generations. The Arc’kerians saw that they were no longer alone in the galaxy, and under a unified front changed their way of life to fit in to the ways of their new friends; the Federation. The Arc’kerians became Federation members by 2388 but remained out of the Borg war, due to the Borg not knowing about their existence.


See Arc’kerian Confederation.

Political Structure

See Arc’kerian Confederation.

Armed Forces

See Arc’kerian Confederation.


See Arc’kerian Confederation.

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