User:Martens/Sandbox/USS Excalibur

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=== [[User:Martens/Sandbox/USS Excalibur/NX-100000|NX-100000]] (2388 - 2388) ===
=== [[User:Martens/Sandbox/USS Excalibur/NX-100000|NX-100000]] (2388 - 2388) ===
First [[Excalibur Class]] Starship, lost during its maiden voyage. For many years it was believed that the ship suffered massive damage from it's [[quantum slipstream drive]] malfunctioning, then was inevitably destroyed by a [[Borg]] sphere about 63 light years from the Sol System.
[[Excalibur Class]] vessel which was to act as a test bed for the [[Quantum Slipstream Drive]]. Disappeared on maiden voyage in 2388 and all information around the vessel is highly classified.
However in 2403 the more recent [[USS Excalibur (NX-100001)]],was sent on a mission by Rear Admiral [[Donatra]] to investigate strange energy readings that some of her ships in the [[Starfleet Rapid Response Task Force|Rapid Response Task Force]] had picked up. When the Excalibur arrived she quickly found her predecessor. After a few hours of rejoicing and finding out what happened from the other Excalibur's crew, the old Excalibur's captain, Captain [[Dimitri Alexandrovich]], stole several engine systems and parts from the new Excalibur's cargo bay.
It was soon realized that the man had gone mad and his actions were unrationalized by being stuck out in open space for ten years with no way to go anywhere. Due to some redesigning of the quantum slipstream drive systems since the first Excalibur's launch, the engine parts weren't compatable. When the first Excalibur went to activate her slipstream drive the ship was destroyed. However the current Excalibur was able to transport over 520 out of 723 of their crew.
The entire matter was unanimously agreed to be classified by [[Starfleet Command]] and the first Excalibur Class USS Excalibur is still officially considered missing in action.
=== [[User:Martens/Sandbox/USS Excalibur/NCC-96363|NCC-93636]] (2385 - 2386) ===
=== [[User:Martens/Sandbox/USS Excalibur/NCC-96363|NCC-93636]] (2385 - 2386) ===

Revision as of 21:27, 3 October 2011

USS Excalibur
Luna Class1.jpg
Affiliation: Starfleet
Registry: NCC-96364
Type: Explorer
Class: Luna Class
CO: Bob Martens
First Mentioned: "Home Again"
First Appearence: "Home Again"
Status: Active
[ Source ]



NCC-96364 (2410 - present)

Luna Class starship launched in 2410 under the command of Captain Bob Martens. Tasked with the same mission as its predecessor, to re-explore the formerly known parts of the Alpha and Beta quadrants.

NCC-100001 (2403 - 2409)

Excalibur Class vessel, and the second to carry the name Excalibur, was launched in 2403 to little fanfare after the loss of the first experimental Excalibur. Was lost in 2409 with all hands. Signaled the end of the Excalibur program.

NX-100000 (2388 - 2388)

Excalibur Class vessel which was to act as a test bed for the Quantum Slipstream Drive. Disappeared on maiden voyage in 2388 and all information around the vessel is highly classified.

NCC-93636 (2385 - 2386)

Defiant Class vessel under command of Captain Richard Winters from 2385 to 2386. Mainly served as a frontline warship during the initial stages of the Borg War until the vessel was lost in the Battle of Ferenginar. Most of the crew was saved by the USS Gorkon, including Captain Winters.

[NCC-26517-A] (2376 - 2385)

Galaxy Class starship under the command of Captain Mackenzie Calhoun from 2376 to 2385. Vessel was lost in the Battle of Raeya along with all hands aboard.

[NCC-26517] (2350 - 2376)

Ambassador Class starship which served many commanding officers from the mid-24th century until 2376 when it was destroyed.

[NCC-2004] (2396 - 2349)

Excelsior Class vessel which served many commanding officers from the late-23rd to mid-24th centuries. It was mothballed and replaced after many years of service.

[NCC-1711] (2278 - 2296)

Constitution Refit Class vessel that replaced its predecessor. Was in service during the late 23rd century and was mothballed and replaced after a few years of service.

[NCC-1664] (2256 - 2268)

Constitution Class cruiser under the command of Captain Anton Harris in the 2260s. Took part in the M-5 wargames where it was destroyed in 2268 by the USS Enterprise after it (the Enterprise) had been taken over by the M-5 computer. All hands were lost.

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