Aziel Grex

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Aziel Grex is a Joined Trill at the age of forty nine. She currently holds the rank of Commodore and commands the USS Kirk NCC-99728 (Previously, he commanded the USS Oberon) and head the defence task group for Mars in the Sol sector.

Aziel had a strict morning routine after she reported for her duty shift. She would spend the first hour reviewing each station on the bridge, then spend another hour in her ready room reviewing the reports from the previous night then she would come back on to the bridge with a mug of raktajino in her left hand and finally take her seat.

She believes that raktajino helped her "get through the Dominion and Borg wars" and there was no way she was giving up on her addiction for the Klingon coffee.

Other Grex Hosts

  • Narvo - visted Earth in 2302.
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