Edward Jellico

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Vice President Edward Jellico
Captain Jellico 2369

Former Starship CO and Starfleet Admiral. Injured in Borg conflicts over the last decade. Retired from Starfleet to pursue a career in politics and lobbied for inclusion in the elections of 2388. Appointed Federation Vice-President for his vast Fleet knowledge as an important aide to President Spock. Currently disatisfied with the state of affairs on Earth and the massive alien presence in Sol.

The "Jellico Doctrine"

Due to Jellico's political prominence and his percieved preference for security over civil liberties, such a position has been labelled the "Jellico Doctrine" by the media, and the phrase continues to be used widely. The Jellico Donctrine has large numbers of supporters and detractors throughout the Federation with the Fleet, particularly the Security division tending to support both the ex-admiral and his views though Jellico has a larger number of opponents in other Fleet divisions.

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