Star Trek: Empok Nor

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Star Trek: Empok Nor
Author(s): Various
Format: PBF
"A diseased utopia...
A forgotten outpost...
The last line to fall...
    —Teaser for Empok Nor

Star Trek: Empok Nor is a sim revolving around the operations of a detachment of Starfleet Special Investigations aboard the station of the same name in the early 25th century.

Seal of the Empok Nor division

Overview (IC)

The Year of 2406.

The United Federation of Planets stands amidst the post-war era as a ruined society, bloated by corruption and social decay. In light of current circumstance and the current state of the Government for the Federation it was deemed prudent that a group of agents of the Starfleet Special Investigations would be moved into a more remote location so as to serve the Federation as best as possible without having the poison of what happened with the government erode their operation.

At the head of this unit, Jerel Ecton seeks those deemed "collaborators" whom wear the banner of the Federation yet sweep their dark pasts underneath the proverbial rug. To shore up the Federation and ensure the capture of these traitors, he has formed a unit of elites drawn from all corners of the Federation.

Their task is simple: Preservation of the Federation, order and society by any means necessary.

They are the eyes and ears of the Federation, they stand as the judge, as the jury and finally the executioners in an age where a dark cloud has obscured society.


Dramatis Personae

Adventure! | USS Phoenix | Deep Space Five | USS Excalibur
NPC Stations
Spacedock 2
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